Everywhere they went people were getting kidnapped, orcs were invading, trees were coming to life, and the dead were rising. Id want to be far away from that elevator.
Aragorn was descended from Elros who was a half-elf, but that was so long ago he may or may not be a full man depending on how racist one is about miscegenation.
Legolas was an elf and Gimli was a dwarf, so explicitly not Men.
Elros and Elrond had a choice as to become Eldar or Edain. Elrond chose Eldar, while Elros chose Edain. Once they chose their mixed nature was resolved.
Not exactly, since the Númenóreans still had longer lives than Men due to their elven heritage. So while one could absolutely make the argument they were Men, there's also a case to be made saying they weren't pureblooded Men.
Let's be real. We're all NPCs so if any of the men are from something with action, we'll probably end up dead. My pick would be Bob Ross, Mr. Rogers, and Steve Irwin. Super calming and chill
The people you know well enough to trust them are close to you but unknown to others, so other people wouldn't really appreciate your answer if it was just some common unknown people. You mostly cannot bet on the character of celebrities, because you don't know them personally (see Gaiman). Fictional characters are known by many people and their personalities are nicely described in the books, movies, whatever....
He's got Elven heritage. He's the 64th descendant of Elros, brother of Elrond. I think he's also decendend from a Maiar as Elros and Elrond's great great grandmother was Melian.
I feel like Gimli would hog it, Aragorn would obviously be awesome, and Legolas would be chill but you could tell he's thinking your weed sucks, he's got a much better connection.
i like to imagine that weed is the opposite of beer when it comes to elves and dwarves, elves barely even notice while dwarves start giggling when standing next to someone puffing a blunt
Oh and hobbits would of course treat it like something abjectly holy, they already take pipeweed extremely seriously and that's just tobacco. Actual devil's lettuce might well start hobbit cults.