As a Canadian, I'd like to buy a drink for someone within walking distance of Trump tower. Preferably a pitcher of cheap beer.
107 0 ReplyAnd a side of asparagus?
84 0 ReplyDiabolical.
31 0 Replymaybe some beets?
8 0 Reply
Weird I thought Trump liked gold.
72 0 ReplyIf the rumors about his odor are to be believed, though, he may not like showers.
35 0 ReplyUnless it is a golden shower
1 0 Reply
Golden showers yields trumpian flowers
13 0 Reply
Strength in numbers
51 0 ReplyI support organized pissings
50 0 ReplyI can expect this in New York. There are lack of bathrooms. People pee everywhere
47 0 Replyit'll never cease to baffle me that "free public toilets are a fundamental human right" isn't the bog standard opinion, because people are going to piss and shit regardless and we should prefer them to do so in a toilet.
36 0 ReplyPay toilets, and their inhuman morals, were the subject of at least a few Sea Chantys that date back to the 18th or 19th Century.
7 0 ReplyHeh, bog
5 0 Replyfree public toilets
aka bushes
2 0 Reply
Urine speaks louder than words
27 0 ReplyOn a politician or a prison warden.
4 0 Reply
Vote with your bladder!
26 0 ReplyWell, if you can't beat 'em
15 0 ReplyWrong body fluid!
4 0 Reply
You can pee in a soda bottle, then just pur it while you pass by.
8 0 ReplyI wonder if you can even smell the difference walking by.
6 0 Reply