It's because the current avian flu, chicken and egg farms are having to kill a metric fuck ton of their chickens. 😢 Meanwhile spray tan is already vowing to gut the CDC and leave WHO.
When our household was at full bore with the kids home, we could go through three dozen per week. It's not just eating them, it's cooking. Two eggs for a some cake, brownies, etc. one day of french toast (not doing that into the foreseeable future), if I did breakfast with eggs it would take anywhere from 6 to 10.
At our height of consumption we had four teenage boys, one teenage girl and a 10 year old who could out eat anyone at the table.
I'm just fortunate that our kids are mostly grown, but now they're struggling to keep food on their own tables.
I actually kept a small flock of chickens for a while because we would go through so many eggs.
When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large. And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a barge.
Vance gave a quote bashing the price of eggs, but he cited a number much higher than the sign he was standing next to.
Dems pounced on this, mocking the blatant exaggeration and dismissing any concerns about a cost of living crisis.
It stuck around because it’s emblematic of the overall situation:
Repubs don’t give a shit about facts, just vibes, and wanna paint as dark of a picture as possible.
Dems only care about being correct on paper, and don’t give a shit about listening to the problems of ordinary people or doing anything that could be called “radical”.
I don't really eat eggs. I have ducks that lay eggs and if I really want some, I eat what they produce. I might try selling their eggs as a side hustle but a lot of people are grossed out by the concept of eating duck eggs for some reason lol
About 14. I'm not particularly price-sensitive about it given the absolute cost is low relative to many food options.
Eggs keep getting cited by people trying to blame their political opponents for increases in food prices because they have increased to about 2.5x from five years ago, which is a bigger increase than most foods. The bulk of the increase is due to the ongoing bird flu outbreak, but that fact doesn't seem to have great distribution among the general public.
Eggs are incredible nutrition value and I'd still pay 12$ for 12 eggs. In fact I do splurge on local market eggs that come from free range chickens and here they are around 5$ for 12 which is double the factory price but still and an incredible steal.
That's why the great American egg whine of 2024 is so confusing. Min wage in the US is still like 24++ eggs an hour which is an insane thing to complain about. Y'all need financial literacy not cheaper eggs.
Family of four. We probably go through 10 to-12 eggs a day much of the time. Scrambled eggs, French toast, homemade bread, cookies, pancakes, frittatas, huevos rancheros tacos... It adds up. I recently started buying the 18-egg packs because it's more cost-effective.
Eggs themselves, not many if at all. The issue is when it comes to baking, while not often, can consume through a whole dozen or more in a single week, specially in the winter. Wanting to find alternatives, I hear applesauce is good.
Zero. The animals we create are morally equivalent to our own children in that they are owed the exact same unconditional love and protection. Consuming eggs is shameful.
Eggs are not that expensive in Sweden, but in all honesty I don't really eat that many eggs in a week. Maybe if we use it as an ingredient, or maybe I'm having a boiled egg as a healthy snack, but I think most weeks it would be 0.
I make a bunch of deviled eggs maybe once or twice a year. I don't care for most other types of "easy" egg preparations and there are plenty of cheap beans, chicken, and cheap bits of pork for my protein needs.
Tbh I don't understand why people don't just buy something else. There are several good alternatives available.
None, I've never particularly liked them. I know some people love them, but to me they don't smell great, kinda sulfurous farts and they have an odd smushy consistency when cooked.
Varies a lot. Sometimes weeks can go by without me eating a single egg. But when I start, I go hard. It's not unheard of that I go through an entire carton as a late night snack with boiled eggs.
Me, 10-18. 2 per work day for egg Sammy. Then weekends depend on omelets and other meals depending on recipe. 10 minimum tho. Brother has 1 more chicken than his family eats eggs so if anything I buy less eggs than most households per month.
It depends. Eggs are part of cakes and pancakes, and a very quick to cook healthy thing to eat. Family of 4 now, we go through between 8 eggs on a light week and 32 eggs on a week I make a lot of egg stuff, or if someone is bulking, like today I made shakshuka for supper and a cake, that's eight eggs in one meal.
I think they are a commodity and historically a cheap source of animal protein, that's why they are talked about.
Most weeks maybe just un oeuf. I think since I stopped eating breakfast and found out my body hates gluten (so heavily reducing baked goods, my other main use of eggs), my egg consumption went way down. The one weekly is generally from going to get sushi and there being some tamagoyaki in there. I guess the odd exception is throwing one (boiled or raw) into soup and the rare occasion that I knock out a fried rice.
Edit: I think 10 local eggs are around 500 yen, at least the last time I checked. More expensive than non-local, and the price has definitely gone up generally in the last few years.
I haven’t had eggs since they were $2/dozen, so zero in like 8+ months, but when I have eggs (starting chickens and quail) I’ll be eating probably 2-4/day. When they were cheap I was averaging 3/day, including baked goods and such.
I really don’t eat much meat (can’t afford that either, but my digestive system doesn’t do well with a lot of meat anyway), and my mushroom cultures are taking foooooooorrrrrreeeeeeevvvvvvveeeerrrrr, so.. need protein somewhere.
Tends to be around 4 per week, I'm just one person and eggs are usually a weekend breakfast thing for me.
But.. I also try to budget meals to be close to $1, so I might just stop buying eggs if a dozen get to $6+ (around me they have been in the $5-$8 range for now)