We live in an interconnected world. As an American, I’d like to know some ways that I could purchase goods, in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Canada and Mexico, and still avoid the
We live in an interconnected world. As an American, I’d like to know some ways that I could purchase goods, in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Canada and Mexico, and still avoid the tariffs.
We're all gonna being paying tariffs in solidarity together, homes. This whole debacle is such a stupid self-own for America that costs us AND everyone else.
All that sweet, sweet tariff money, just flowing into the govt for Elon to use as a slush fund. Or whatever other superb galaxy brained idea comes up.
If it's a good that the USA has implemented an import tariff on then the tarrif supports the USA not the other country. Buying the goods still supports them sure, but not the tariffs.
You don't avoid tariffs per se. When the good enters the country, the tariff is paid to customs. It's just an import tax. Now to recoup the loss from that tariff, it will be sold to you at a markup. You can still pay Canadian and Mexican goods, but the best thing you can do is optimize shit where you live.
My recommendation to you would be to buy less if you can help it. Don't use Amazon if you can help it. Legumes, grains, dairy, produce, water, cheap protein, all bought locally. If you can purchase from illegals even better. I got this guy that sells me honey on my way back from work. It's fire. Look at it as a little challenge you impose on yourself. You don't need to do it perfectly. If enough people do it imperfectly, the corporate concerns that got you all into this mess will feel the hurt.
Actually the preferred term is illegal aliens. I omit the latter because calling a human being an alien is the actual dehumanising part. Spare me the insipid fuckin moralisation.
I'm not trying to throw any shade at you, but it's kind of sad when the the question isn't "how do I get by without buying stuff," but rather "what can I buy more of to improve the situation?"
The only way to avoid the tariffs is to avoid any goods that cross borders during or after manufacture.
To still buy foreign products without paying the tariffs, you’ll have to buy those goods outside the US. Then, of course, you have the difficulty of getting them back into the country without, you know, paying tariffs.
Tariffs are not flat across the board. If it lasts, we're going to see a lot of shell companies popping up in strategic places for the purposes of avoiding/reducing taxes paid.
Depending on the exact details, these may be little more than reshippers. Or they could be like the products that are "Made in the USA (from imported components)"
Well, since Trump’s put it all on hold for 30 days, yes you still can.
Part of what Trump is upset with is the current trade agreement where small purchases aren’t duty free; Temu has been taking advantage of this by shipping goods in batches below the threshold even for things that would already have tariffs on them.