Not really, some things are objectively bad and wrong and other things are merely subjective.
The problem we're having here are people who hold their subjective beliefs very strongly are then adamant that it makes said beliefs objective, just because they believe them.
even things like killing being bad is not objective in my opinion, it just simply stems from our minds and societies' process of growth through natural selection.
We believe that killing is bad only because we share the majority of their DNA and we are close genetically to what we're killing. It was evolutionarily incentivised to not kill those that are genetically close, as they and we share common ancestors from which such thoughts evolved.
this is imo why we value humans more than other animals, animals more than vegetables and relatives over strangers. Friends being valued more than strangers make sense as well, as they share ideas in the place of the shared genome.
in a wider scope none of this matters anyway, our lives and deaths are irrelevant to the universe and our lives don't actually matter outside what our minds tell us.
>inb4 some child left behind replies with "are you equating eating meat for sustenance with rape?"
Yes. You could eat something else for sustenance. The reason you choose meat is because it's a more enjoyable experience for you, despite the inherent harm. That sounds similar to another topic I mentioned in this comment
What ever horror humanity has done, we are still holding the beer of invertebrates.
And yet nature's is is not a justification for aught. The fruit of the tree of wisdom (mythically) gave us empathy that we may live in harmony with neighbors, and in the late game, we have learned the imperative to see value in the fallow wilds.
A century ago, a vegan diet for humans as extremely difficult, possibly impossible. And to quote Saruman the forests will burn in the fires of industry! And they have.
We are not a vegan culture today because the food industry focuses on sales and profits, not on nutrition and health.
Though to be fair our massive land-hungry industrial farms will affect the biomes around them regardless of whether we grow plants or ranch livestock. Veganism is part of a solution towards a more harmonious civilization, but misses several pieces.