The World War II-era "Simple Sabotage Field Manual" is full of steps that office workers can take to resist leadership.
Over the last week, the guide has surged to become the 5th-most-accessed book on Project Gutenberg, an open source repository of free and public domain ebooks. It is also the fifth most popular ebook on the site over the last 30 days, having been accessed nearly 60,000 times over the last month (just behind Romeo and Juliet).
I don’t spot the difference between this and how most modern day corporations are operated:
“To lower morale and with it, production, be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions. Discriminate against efficient workers; complain unjustly about their work.”
“Hold conferences when there is more critical work to be done.”
Remember when reading this that it was written for a time long past. There are cameras and other electronic tracking everywhere now. Even if you can avoid detection, much of the methodology described here just doesn't apply to modern machines, telecommunications, and other systems.
But read it all anyway. (It's not that long.) The mindset you will need to employ is plainly communicated and remains valid today. Be observant, be creative, be careful, and !
I was expecting something subtle, some sort of resistance from within type stuff.
Warehouses, barracks, offices, hotels, and factory buildings are outstanding targets for simple sabotage. They are extremely susceptible to damage, especially by fire.
Hell yeah! This is great! I'm glad I'm not the only one sharing it around to friends and neighbors. True resistance is not the flashy stuff; it's a whole of society approach to stop fascists in their tracks. True resistance is the sum total of small acts to inconvenience and impede a fascist.
“Insist on doing everything through ‘channels.’ Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to expedite decisions.”
“Make ‘speeches.’ Talk as frequently as possible and at great length. Illustrate your ‘points’ by long anecdotes and accounts of personal experiences. Never hesitate to make a few appropriate ‘patriotic’ comments.”
“Bring up irrelevant issues as frequently as possible.”
“Haggle over precise wordings of communications, minutes, resolutions.”
“‘Misunderstand’ orders. Ask endless questions or engage in long correspondence about such orders. Quibble over them when you can.”
“In making work assignments, always sign out the unimportant jobs first. See that the important jobs are assigned to inefficient workers of poor machines.”
“To lower morale and with it, production, be pleasant to inefficient workers; give them undeserved promotions. Discriminate against efficient workers; complain unjustly about their work.”
“Hold conferences when there is more critical work to be done.”
“Multiply paperwork in plausible ways.”
“Make mistakes in quantities of material when you are copying orders. Confuse similar names. Use wrong addresses.”
“Work slowly. Think out ways to increase the number of movements necessary on your job”
“Pretend that instructions are hard to understand, and ask to have them repeated more than once. Or pretend that you are particularly anxious to do your work, and pester the foreman with unnecessary questions.”
“Snarl up administration in every possible way. Fill out forms illegibly so that they will have to be done over; make mistakes or omit requested information in forms.”
But ... but we're already doing every single one of them 🥺
I wonder what the purge at our intelligence agencies will be like. They were never good agencies, they did a lot of shitty stuff, but they did it because "America". Now that the Chief Cheeto is in charge, who has insulted the USIC on many occasions, and cozies up to dictators and Nazis, there have to be a not insignificant number of USIC people that want nothing to with Combover in Chief, so they'll get the boot to be replaced with some jackbooted NKVD Commissariat trump sycophants.
Milton was the best: playing music that distracts your coworkers and reduces productivity, engaging management and taking up their time about quibbles, muttering incoherently leading to lost time due to miscommunication, stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars, and setting the fucking building on fire.
It’s too outdated to be really useful. This just makes life hell for people, not stopping fascism. What we need is the field manual on how to make fascists fear for their lives enough that they crush themselves.
A lot of this would be good for fucking up capitalism, but we are way past that being an option.
It suggests filing metal containers that contain gasoline. They just want to see who shows up in ERs or local police dept with specific injuries or vandalism charges.
Edit: the anarchist cookbook that circulated in the 90s and 2000s was a false flag that was intended to remove fingers, hands, and entire faces. It was a funded attempt to get 'smart people' to blow their hands off. The doc posted by OP has the same hallmark copy-paste from reputable sources mixed with advice from chaos agents.
Reminds me a bit of Edward Abbey's Fieldguide to Monkeywrenching.
Albeit aimed at a different target and different reader.
Just an interesting observation Im making using the title of a not so well known text but potentially interesting read for many (academically of course).
For anyone interested, it is freely available online if you want to read it. I would suggest using a VPN or other security program to protect yourself. I suggest this purely because its best practice to use one, lest certain groups take an interest in your reading choices. By this I of course mean cybercriminals.