How insecure are you that you need people explaining why they disagreed with you?
Because humans are hardwired to crave acceptance from their ingroup.
It's funny and ironic that you have 10 downvotes but only two replies.
Anyhow I think this is it, but at the same time I do agree with others here that a reply to a downvoted comment promotes community, resilience, and hopefully empathy. But there's no way it's going to happen all the time. When it does, it's great, and when it doesn't, we shouldn't be offended.
You don't even know if the downvotes are coming from an actual human, so a few downvotes shouldn't make a difference. I realize this isn't the exact case that the OP is describing though.
With no explanation? You monster.
Upvoted without explanation
Depending on the client, accidentally clicking downvote can be pretty easy. More specifically Voyager is guilty of this.
There used to be downvote bots just running around too
I use Connect and swipe comments and posts a bit to vote up and swipe further to vote down. I definitely vote incorrectly often. Still easier than pushing buttons.
"didn't wrong"
I downvoted it, because not everyone wants to argue with you about why they're not liking your posts. Nobody owes you (or anyone for that matter) a constant explanation of things.
Crying for getting downvoted has been the easiest way of getting downvoted from.the beginning of times.
is this your first day on the internet? who cares!
That's your secret fanclub.
op pls attribute your content sources
You know what you did.
Property is theft after all
Usually I assume they're tankies DVing me b/c I said something true that's inconvenient for them.
It’s not worth having a crisis over. It could be anything or nothing.
Posts like this are what the trolls want, btw.
The lurking downvoter, more astounding when they don't appear than when they do. 😂
Just kidding of course. ;)
Commit to the bit!
I can only assume for the others but this one would get some for the "wonder what you didnt wrong" line. Give it a 15 seconds proofread to the image before posting.
I can relate. Regardless what and where i post, i get (at least) one downvote. I wonder if this on asshole following me somehow.