Brave? The browser that hides ads and substitutes their own? The one that keeps you private from Google AdSense so they can sell your data themselves? The one that keeps their Chromium build lean, so that you donât notice the crypto miner running along side of it?
The fucking PayPal Honey of browsers? When the fuck did they ever look good? Theyâre like the âBanzai Buddyâ of the HTML5 era
I have been using Brave for the last year and I did like it as a mobile browser. But today I noticed that when I was searching about abortion and etopic pregnancy (fact checking a really dumb article) that all of a sudden their AI crap was throwing "no results available" errors. I checked some other left leaning topics and sure enough it no longer gives you AI results. So I immediately uninstalled that shit from my phone because fuck them.
I think anyone who is already using Firefox knows very well why they wouldn't want to use Brave 𤡠(My main reasons were being a Chromium browser and having unwanted crypto features included.)
Edit: Oh yes, and the CEO's homophobia is not helping either...
"Was getting tired Brave, and noticed they mentioned Firefox in their ads. Was curious what that was and upon launching Firefox, immediately I felt something, my disappointment is no longer immeasurable, and my day is no longer ruined!"
I don't know much about brave except that its chromium based and apparently removes web ads as its main feature. Why are they running ads? Why do I keep getting this browser recommended? How the fuck do they make money to be able to target me with this info? Something is off and I don't like it. I feel like the pressure to use brave isnt coming to me organically so I'm staying clear of it. I just have a bad feeling and I'll trust my gut on this.
Guess you're outside the EU or something? Cause it looks different over here, Firefox isn't mentioned here. Also they're at 4.9 instead of 4.7 for some reason.
Either way, fuck brave.
How is it more private, when the browser is the one handling your data to show you ads, on top of the websites trying to do the same. So, extra ads? Wtf.
Firefox is my main browser, but I occasionally need a Chromium browser for technical reasons. I had been using Brave - note the past tense there. Any suggestions for my new secondary browser?
Android app person here. They used that title in an A/B test to see if it would help them get more installs for when people searched "Firefox". That is why 1. They picked the words "fire" and "fox", and 2. Why you're not seeing it.
After installing Brave I was getting some kind of failed login popup in my GNOME desktop environment. Uninstalled it and the popup disappeared. It gave me the heeby jeebies about Brave.
I use Brave for solely one purpose that I hope to see in Firefox one day. Itâs the only app Iâve found that lets you locally download a web video and play it natively on CarPlay. I rarely use it, but itâs handy when I need it.
Braves like the only browser that works for some piracy sites, the rest (with extensions) you get a ton of ads, broken sitesx or get stuck at some link shorteners. Vfx med specifically I tried every browser. For regular browsing I like firefox but annoyingly enough brave handles video a lot better never crashing, youtube is always fast with hella tabs, I'm just used to and stuck with firefox because I have so many tabs/windows open rnow