Never used that mod, but I know the feeling. I pretty much stopped playing modded once rotarycraft stopped getting updated to newer versions, because I didn't want to miss out on some of the later vanilla stuff, but also didn't really enjoy any other mods progression as much as that one.
One of the things I miss about pre-1.16 modded is the variety of progressions. Maybe I'm the one at fault, but every playthrough lately has felt like a huge grind towards AE + automation then everything comes after (or is a resource hog like all the mods).
On the bright side, I have seen a lot of (uncompleted) RPG/adventure modpacks on CurseForge, but I would love seeing the sandbox "do what the duck you want" packs
I'm a big Rotarycraft fan. I even made a modpack for it called Rotary Skies, though it was released so late after 1.7.10 that it didn't get much attention. Still, good times.