The TL;DR is that tariffs would violate the NAFTA / USMCA treaty in which Canada agreed to respect US copyright law in exchange for free trade. No free trade? Canada doesn't need to respect US copyright any longer and can become a flourishing economy of products to compete with US products that are massively overpriced. Think printer ink and other stuff.
So many people are extremely missing the point here
Trump is purposefully threatening Canada to give his canadian conservative buddy Poilievre something to "fight" against, to make him look good
"Wow Poilievre is standing up against Trump, I'm gonna vote for him!"
That's the game plan, in reality the two dipshits are best buds and can collude together to fuck over both countries extra hard, after conservatives get a majority over here.
It's a stunt to get conservatives in charge over here "against" Trump, which is so fucking stupid and yet it's probably gonna work cuz so many people are gonna fall for it.
I don't think the liberal party has a good play against it, other than if our new liberal leader challenges Trump and musk to a boxing match and literally bears the shit out of them on live television
I unironically think the Lincoln "I'll fight you let's go right now" leader who seriously fucks up Musk or Zuckerberg or any of those dipshits on live television would actually win by a landslide here
It's fuckin stupid but that's what works apparently...
Here's the plan.
The Northern US states all join Canada.
The Southern Half of US states join Mexico.
The US is gone.
Canada & Mexico join to become 1 huge nation. (putin shits himself!)
And then we deport ALL the conservatives out of North America, and live happily ever after.
Problem solved.
You're Welcome.
Putin's Sock Puppet taking orders from Moscow to divide the NATO members. For starters, the Canadians should stop buying US made weapons, because the current US leadership is unhinged and unreliable. If anything, the Blue States should become Canadian Provinces.
Even if Canada would merge with the US, surely it wouldn’t become a state. We all know the importance of the Senate at this point, and how the two-senators-per-state rule affects things. At the very least, each province would want to become a state to get more senators, and it may be in the best interest of some of the larger provinces like Ontario or Quebec to subdivide to gain even more, if they can get away with it. Goodness knows the idea of splitting California has been floated by some to try to get something closer to senator-per-capita parity.
Did someone brainwash this dude to annex other countries or something? Its like he wants to leave a legacy behind of being the first president in the modern age to expand America.
I bet he'll end up sprinkling in a handful of very specific exemptions. These are what we need to slap export taxes on. Doesn't need to be much, but match his 25%. At best it'll hammer them where they need it, at worst it'll keep things fair for all our exporters.
We must strengthen NATO's defences against the aggressive USA and significantly improve border defences, lest they catch us with our pants down when the time comes.
You will notice that the ancient biblical prophecies were about someone extraordinarily possessive, eh?
I wonder just how much corroboration has to happen, before the Christians begin taking it seriously..
shruggeth *
The ancient Jewish & Christian prophecies are accurate, in this case.. ( so are the Indigenous ones, but most don't care about those.. interesting, though, when such predictions get sooo much right, that's certain, in empiricism.. : )