Holy shit do my meds ever kill my food and water drive. The food part is nice. I eat like a regular human now, and I'm losing weight without really trying to (it's okay, I'm obese). If I'm not hungry, I don't really want to eat. God, it's liberating.
But yeah, I seem to have a harder time remembering to hydrate. So thanks for reminding me lol
Having water with me/beside me seems to help me a lot. Theres no oh I'm thirsty i better stop and buy water or go get water, i always try to have some so as soon as a little bit of thirst hits i can drink it right away. Otherwise i find myself saying oh I'll go get water in 5 minutes, and 3 hours later still not got any water.
just drink water until you sit there swigging it around and really really don't feel like swallowing it, that's your body telling you you've had enough.