Yep. Saw someone in another discussion say "Go in to work today and make that hand motion at everyone you interact with if you are so confident it's not a Nazi salute."
I agree with you, but after the whole "We are all domestic terrorists" thing, I fully expect MAGAs to appropriate a slightly clumsy nazi salute as their new way to trigger the libs. All it takes is a few of their leaders to do it without major blowback.
There are a lot of people falling all over themselves to tell us that the Nazi salute we all saw was not a Nazi salute. I wonder if Fox watchers even saw it once.
lol it’s as much a Nazi salute as the earth orbits the sun. Anyone saying otherwise doesn’t want to admit that musk’s a bonafide Nazi. And Fox is as much a Nazi mouthpiece as Göring was.
The only thing to do with current Nazis is the same thing we did to them many years ago.