"But it does impact how sales work through the store because when you lock things up," he added, "for example, you don’t sell as many of them. We’ve kind of proven that pretty conclusively."
If it's locked up, I won't buy it. I don't have time for that nonsense and large companies only understand money (or a lack of) before they will make a change.
Only if it's in fun and/or interesting ways, though, not waiting for some underpaid and overworked employee getting a key for the toilet paper safe or whatever.
At self-checkout in a lot of stores employees stand behind me because I move fast. Apparently that means I’m stealing rather than I move faster than a snail when there’s a huge line of people waiting.
Maybe if there were like 2 employees in the store, people would feel less comfortable stealing shit.
The Joann fabric near us has these speakers that will say something like "ask an associate if you need anything" when you walk near them. They put them near the expensive shit.
Clearly, it's an attempt to alert staff when someone is walking near the expensive stuff, but like...the store has 2 employees and when they're not checking people out, they're trying desperately to keep up with the boxes of unloaded freight clogging up the aisles.
Walgreens is why I joined Dollar shave club years ago. Nothing like needing to flag down an employee to fetch another employee who can unlock the razorblades.
It's really simple: either you accept shrink, or you hire enough people with keys to handle your anti-theft shit.
I don't go to target anymore, CVS, or Walgreens if it's at all avoidable because it's going to take an hour to get in, buy a few things, and leave.
They want to lock shit up, but then only have one employee covering the whole damn store that can unlock shit, meaning if you want some laundry detergent, it's going to take you half an hour.
Of course, the local grocery stores, Walmart, Amazon, and various other retailers don't lock shit up, so yeah, I just go there and don't have to deal with stupid bullshit pushed by morons who haven't gone shopping in one of the stores they run.