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Multi channel radios! Multi-channel Radio - FactorioBin

Proivides ability to transmit and receive 16 different sets of circuit signals on one radio network.

Multi-channel Radio - FactorioBin

So I had a problem. I wanted to be able to broadcast a set of circuit signals representing a list of required items for a given outpost. The problem was that the radio only supports green and red channels leading to N>3 outputs intermixing signals.

Solution: Use a repeating clock that sends a signal only if Z={{my_chosen_channel_num}}. There's some odd stuff going on combinator wise to keep signal values in memory while the Z timer is on a different channel. Also requires a single clock radio blueprint in order to keep receivers and transmitters in-sync with one another.

This is my first time fiddling with circuits more advanced than if X > Y inserter_enabled so if you find a way to make this better LMK