Actual argument I had recently with a "libertarian" family member:
Libertarian: "Rent control shouldn't exist! It's wrong for big government to tell property owners and renters what kind of agreements they can enter!"
Me: "What are your thoughts on single family zoning that bans missing-middle housing throughout most of the US?"
Libertarian: "Well that's different! People choosing what kind of rules should apply to where they live is the epitome of freedom!"
Me: "Couldn't that same argument apply to rent control?"
Libertarian: " have clearly been brainwashed by the woke mind virus! So sad!"
Libertarian ideology is logically solid, but it has two minor problems:
It heavily depends on assumptions that never hold in real life.
Any other ideology, when confronted with bad outcome predictions of their models, will try to explain why their way actually prevents these bad outcomes. Libertarianism... prefers to explain why these outcomes are actually a good thing.
Except it isn't logically solid, because the premise is that Governing bodies cannot be expected to provide for the general welfare because humans are naturally greedy and selfish, and the solution is that we abolish all social safety nets and instead rely on voluntary charity to solve the problem of poverty...
But what voluntary charity exists if by Libertarian's own logic: Humans are too greedy and selfish to give to the poor even when they're literally mandated to do so?
Milton Friedman, my favourite libertarian, advocated for a negative income tax as the best form of social safety net. It means that the minimum amount of money any person gets is not zero!
He also liked to point out that a lot of other government programs were in fact regressive: paid for in taxes by working class people and providing the benefit to middle class and up. A classic example of that is funding for higher education. It’s pretty darn regressive to pay for higher education with taxes collected from working class people whose children don’t even attend higher education!
He has a lot of other arguments that make a ton of sense. He is against any and all forms of subsidies for large businesses and he is against laws which create and protect monopolies and oligopolies.
The one thing I’m not clear on is how to organize society to protect against future government interference and especially corruption by special interests.
Libertarianism - The idea that a just society with fair rules is impossible because of the greed and selishness inherent in human nature. So by embracing this we can abolish all taxes and social safety nets, instead we would solve everyone's problems through voluntary charity work, as after all humans are naturally giving and kind.
Yeah, clown shoes seem appropriate. I can somewhat respect a philosophy that I disagree with by saying "Well, that's certainly a take, can't say I'm on board."
But I cannot if the problem isn't that I disagree, it's that it is self-refuting by its own logic.
Kinda like how Sam Harris' Free Will Denial nonsense is bullshit simply by my own ability to decide for myself that it's bullshit.
Destroyed attempts at American Singlepayer under the blatantly wrong assumption that for-profit companies lead by anonymous billionaires are somehow better at fairly using the ability to decide who lives and who dies than elected officials who have to maintain the support of their constituents to stay in power.
So many of my friends grew up in libertarian families. I wish their parents had been professional clowns instead of perennially divorced wealth obsessed crypto-nazis.
The eternal problem of "the general public" is that they're a product of their material conditions. They don't emerge from the soil and engage with the world on first principles.
When you grow up in a community that has been heavily privatized and financialized, socially owned and operated community functions have to be developed from the ground up rather than inherited. Any kind of proposed social change will grow out of the body of the system that came before.
Libertarians grow up in countries where it is easier to believe in the end of the world than the end of capitalism.
I wouldn't say that actual libertarians are conservatives (I know some in europe), but a lot of conservatives in the us larp as libertarians because that was the original vision of the us freedom fighters and they also on some level think they are libertarians because they think libertarians are smart (because the avrg libertarian is way smarter than the avrg conservative) but your joke still works because conservatives and libertarians are both pedos
Bro, the moment that “abolishing the age of consent” is brought up, you need to know that they aren’t acting in good faith. Every argument they bring forth should be tainted by that shit!
American Libertarianism is all about minimizing governmental oversight, regulation, and taxation. Basically people who already "got theirs" and want to pull the ladder up behind them so no one else can. Sovcits are like extremist libertarians.
Some of them are so stupid that they never even "got theirs." But they see people who look different than them getting things that they didn't get, and they can't abide that...
the word libertarian comes from anarchists (eg. libertarian socialists) however right wing anarchists (anarcho capitalists) have claimed the term, so now a libertarian is a right wing anarchist
I say co-opt it back to its original leftist roots. I don't mind calling myself a libertarian instead if I'm talking to a right winger who's scared of anarchists and then just say "the socialist kind". It's a conversation starter to introducing a right winger to how one can believe a market free from capitalists (the best kind of free market) is actually not the worst idea ever
Capitalist anarchism doesn't exist. Capitalism is a form of unjust hierarchy (or if you want to stick to the literal meaning of “anarchism”: capitalism is a way to create rulers)
There are capitalist anti-statists, bit being against states isn't sufficient to make you an anarchist for above reasons.
there are also people like me who are in the middle and think both the left and right have valid economic points and arguments but that authoritarian rule is gross.
Libertarianism is a spectrum just like authoritarianism.
They are right wingers that want to be free of government meddling in the form of anti discrimination laws, taxes and drivers licenses. For some reason they also the consider age of consent to be a greater evil that the Pentagon.
They claim the be for all of those things, but then they line up behind whatever fascist the Republican party puts in front of them, when push comes to shove.
They are right wingers that want to be free of government meddling in the form of anti discrimination laws, taxes and drivers licenses. For some reason they also the consider age of consent to be a greater evil that the Pentagon.
Yeah, pedo-nazis.
They want a white ethno state, where they can smoke meth and fuck kids. The whole "age of consent should be abolished to protect children who are essentially considered property of their parents until ages of majority because sometimes parents are really shitty to their kids" isn't a solution to the stated problem. Proper funding, oversight and regulation of social programs such as child and family welfare/protection is significantly better than giving an easily manipulated child the right to consent. The only reason to make age of consent whenever a child can talk should be pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain.
And guess what, if you abolished anti-discrmination laws, you'd end up with only WASPs allowed to vote, massively suppressed wages and limited if any social benefits for women or anyone not white.