People from Europe: Since the US is moving away from the western world we know, who do you see us collaborate more with in the future?
For me it would probably be Canada. Seems like we share alot of values with them, and we could do more trading than we do today.
Especially if they also will have tensions with the US, it would be a win win.
But what do you guys think? Northern Africa would be an obvious choice in the future, but I don't know if they're ready.
PS. This is not a post talking about leave the US entirely. Ofc not. It would just be better for us to work with others and expand our worldview a little.
What rights do you have in Europe that we don't have in the US?
In Europe we get more rights, and in the US you loose your right to abortion entirely.
That's not true at all. In fact, lots of states give access to abortion much longer than Europe does. And before anyone says healthcare, we do have universal healthcare, it's just used as a safety net rather than a default. Every American has access to it as long as they meet financial requirements. I spent 4 years on it myself and it was great.
The US is not trying to take anything, we're negotiating prices for territorial strategies.
I think whatever news you watch or listen to is fear mongering.
You're approaching this from a "who do I like" angle.
Another approach is the "what's being traded angle". Right now EU imports mostly LNG from the US ("The EU had trade deficits in energy (€70 billion) and raw materials (€6 billion) and other goods (€2 billion)." (1). Norway is already exporting at max, EU does not want to exploit natural gas resources domestically, so that leaves only the golf states.
Export is mostly divided between vehicles, chemicals, machinery ("In 2023, the EU had trade surpluses in machinery & vehicles (€102 billion), chemicals (€58 billion), other manufactured goods (€55 billion)").
So markets that can afford luxury german cars, canada, china, australia. But they'd have to compete with chinese cars. Basic chemicals are easier to sell elsewhere.
They will. The current elites don't want to, but they are destroying their countries to please the US to the point of Ukraine 2014. But Ukraine had neighbouring Poland to look up to. There won't be a neighbouring nation to look up to other than Russia.
The issue is the far right and their sympathisants. Once those are out of the way, we can talk.
For that the US has to address its problems, like the billionnaires getting richer and richer and somehow there being no nationwide revolution. Media being very fear-focused and demanding to treat others inhumanely is also an issue, alongside with social media algorithms bolstering this.
Russia. It's not just Trump going into weird directions. The US is losing power as a whole and the only countries losing power quicker are it's allies.
The US is losing power for sure, but not slower than it's allies. Europe can't just plug and play the US immediately, but they have considerably less problems than Americans.
And just to be clear: I'm not advocating for a US boycott. Just less cooperation than today.
We EU citizens are on the verge of collapse as we're about to starve the goose laying the golden eggs,
the German car industry, in favor of US subservience.
There are 0 attempts to save VW, BMW and Mercedes from Tesla, while walls are enacted against BYD and other Chinese car companies.