They are! Some of them even have good music (ouch, self jab). A lot of them fall squarely in the realm of non metalheads saying "this isn't music/this is just noise", a few of them are small scale bands, and a few of them are really iconic bands.
3 inches of Blood is very much the outlier genre-wise, it's power metal about DnD stuff.
Hell yeah, Anorexia Nervosa was one of my favorite bands for a long time. Good tunes. I grew up in a town with a comparatively big metal scene, so I was pretty blessed with a lot of metal that I would have otherwise never heard. Honestly I wasn't too sure that anyone would recognize anything from that list outside of Neurosis or a few others. Hell, I wouldn't recognize some of them if I didn't write the list, and it's all from my own music library.
Fleshgod, Gorod, Katatonia, and Spawn of Possession immediately stood out to me, among the others, but I was legit just surprised to have seen an Anorexia Nervosa mention up there.
Lol I feel the same about people mentioning Fleshgod. I know got pretty big fast, but the first time I heard of them was when they performed at the summer slaughter tour in 2011. I was there to see Black Dahlia Murder, but Fleshgod was very much the highlight of it for me.