We got several more inches of snow last night after getting over seven a few days ago. I went to my local newspaper's website to find out if there was anything I should know. This was their top story.
The local TV stations have not been much help either. I guess there's nothing to know? You'd think there would be some local news that two TV stations and a newspaper might think about covering.
I live in an area that gets snow regularly. When we get a storm, there are precisely three things the news can report on:
When they think it will stop
Are the roads driveable
Are there school or business closings
If there is nothing to report in those three topics, then it's just another slow news day. Just be glad they're not making TV news reports about trending Social Media topics, that's what our local news gets into when they run out of Sinclair propaganda (or Bills highlights) to run.
I found out a few days ago when it snowed last time that an emergency declaration had been declared from social media because it wasn't reported on. This time I just wanted to know if I could go to Kroger without getting hassled by the cops for being out when I shouldn't be, but apparently I don't get to know that.
Yeah, that is more incompetence than I am used to. When we get driving bans and other emergency declarations, the local news will put that crawly thing on the bottom of the screen letting us know what's up. I bet they get complaints when it covers up the score of the game.
They are everywhere in this town and no one knows what to do about it. I like crows so I think it's funny that people are constantly bitching about them.
No, there are all kinds of things that are informational that are necessary like what will be open, snow plow schedules, places to avoid due to accidents, locations of warming centers, etc.
I honestly didn't know if I could get to the supermarket this morning, which is why I checked. For all I know, a state of emergency had been declared. For all I know, it still is declared.
I used to dispatch roadside assistance, and in certain winter weather when there’s a driving ban – if you break down or slide off the road, no one is coming for you. Tow trucks won’t drive, and often the police themselves won’t even drive out to pick you up.
In the past week on YouTube, on channels about math and physics, I started getting a constant bombardment of online casino ads. The predatory enshittification is intense anywhere you look.
Oh, I found it interesting - there were a number of things I'd just never really considered about having (or trying to control) large bird populations in cities. I find it very informative!