I still haven't found a way to make my parents use Signal, so either I stop communicating with them (which is tempting sometimes) or have this compromise
I just don't communicate with anyone that insists on using products that have user agreements I don't agree with. The amount of bullshit user agreements are getting overloaded with makes them dangerous legal contracts that can have serious implications on your rights. Just ask the family whose daughter died at a Disney theme park and when they tried to sue Disney tried to force them to arbitration because their son had tried Disney+
That's why my current phone is a Pixel running GrapheneOS. I still hate Android, but at least I don't have to run Play services on my main profile. I do run it on a separate profile though for a couple services that need it.
I really just want Linux with decent support for phone features (MMS/calls/data on any carrier, with full wake from sleep reliability), decent battery life, and decent audio quality. Unfortunately, PinePhone doesn't seem to handle those things properly (maybe it does MMS now?), so I stick w/ my GrapheneOS phone, which at least cuts out most of the crap from Android.
It's honestly such a pain in the ass to say no to everything Google shoves down your throat these days. And even after you say no it will remind you every so many days just in case you changed your mind after the 15th time you said no. Android used to be the "cool" phone but nowadays if you don't install your own custom ROM it's basically just Apple with extra steps
I wouldn't say that's a recent development. Back before I knew anything about privacy and security, I switched from android to apple because I was tired of all the bloat. My 8 gb phone had virtually no space for photos or apps I wanted after 5 years of updates for non deletable apps. That was almost 10 years ago.
In the EU, I'm not headphones with jacks will be allowed to be sold (Arstechnica).
Laptops get until April 2026 to comply, but most other things—phones, tablets, handheld gaming devices, computer accessories, and wireless headphones—will have to be powered by USB-C to be sold inside the EU from now on.
I think it's only a matter of time until phones with dual or triple USB-C start emerging.
> buy fairphone because I hate constructors adding their bloatware to my phone.
> Boot it up, insert SIM.
> Next reboot, my carrier tries to get me to install their shit with a permanent notification (thankfully I can hide it, just have to do it every reboot).
Every DRM related app afterwards: WARNING! This phone is running insecure software and is incompatible with this service.
And before you tell me just to not use Netflix on my phone, I'm talking about a government app that lets me authenticate and without which I can't read official messages or login to any government or banking service.
So if I want to survive as an adult Dane, I pretty much have to figure out which company I would like to get sodomized by, and which is less of a clingy little bitch afterwards.
I see. In that case his push notifications will not work for apps that rely on Google play services for them. A few other things off the top of my head:
A-GPS SUPL must be changed
Captive portal must be changed
DNS, NTP servers must be changed
Depending on how much you trust Chromium system webview should be avoided
It is not trivial to remove Google from Android, even AOSP
I still use PlayService but their native ads and tracker are blocked via Blocker apps through package manager mode.
For further more ads/tracker block i used adaway & adguard as main & sub with many custom filter that i add to it, so it can protect the whole phone even the sneakiest ads/tracker.
My point is that you're buying a branded device specifically because it has ease of use features but then you're replacing them all with custom services that you now need to upkeep manually and tend like a garden. It's over complicating the purchase.
It was hyperbole... but only just. Even most of my audio calls happen over Whatsapp these days. Certainly 100% of the texting.
I know this is very region-dependent, so mileage may vary, but I did find it funny that it was acknowledged here despite the deliberately convoluted deep scrubbing depicted on the rest of the post. It's... less funny now that you made me explain it, though.
I toyed with a Pinephone last year. Most of my complains were toward the hardware, although I didn't try every basic functionality either.
It took me a while to setup the OS because I wanted to try a few different distros and screwed up a few times here and there. Arch was the most stable of those I tried. It also comes with a built-in right to brag about using Arch, which is cool. I think that using a more recent and higher grade phone could make it usable in the day to day, as the pinephone is more of a development tool. Otherwise, give it a few more years.
Sorry I can't figure out how to reply in thread, made an account just to tell you you can get a nøglebrik/kodeviser for MitId. It's a fully offline TOTP thing that you can use instead of the app. I never even installed the app :)