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Day 84 of posting screenshots every day, of whatever I've been working on that day, until I run out of content or get bored

FICSMAS Factory is complete! ETA on 500 Stars for the final research is just under 12 hours.

Really happy with the exterior cosmetics.

First thing I had to do today to finish the build is realize that this setup I built yesterday completely neglected to account for sinking of excess products. So, I had to tear down a few parts of this, and adjust my plans.

I started by just going ahead and laying out all the machines, roughly where I thought they'd end up. I figured that would help me figure out where I would put the sink and all the Dimensional Depot Uploaders.

I'm actually really surprised I was able to fit all the machines in here, with so much room to spare. I thought for sure I'd have to make a separate wing, at least for all the uploading and sinking.

I ended up having plenty of space at the back of the facility to upload all 16 unique FICSMAS items, and sink all the excess, with a simple sushi belt setup.

Also went ahead and moved the stairs down to the logistics floor.

Glamor shots of the factory floor. Overall, I am EXTREMELY happy with this whole factory. There's some really crazy beltwork going on here, but it all runs to perfection. 61 machines in total, and all running at a 100% efficiency.

Also, the logistics floor.

And for the nerds like me, the production plan and logistics map. Satisfactory Modeler really doesn't like the complexity of this one, it refuses to actually calculate out all the flow rates.