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I'm replaying Entropy Zero 2 and I just realized something.

Are they hinting that Chell could be Bab Cop's daughter? First chapter of the game explains that Bap Cop/Aiden Walker joined the Combine because they promised they would help find his wife's killer and where his daughter went. The first chapter that takes place Arbeit/Aperture Science has a room with slide about how "Human Resources" procures test subjects and how they operate coverups. Aiden Walker was framed for his wife's and daughter's(presumably) murder. Rechecking stuff. His wife died of an illness. His daughter went missing and everyone presumed he kill her. Portal 1 and 2 never state Chell's last name, does it? Good fiction doesn't waste space, so I'm wondering if this is hinting that Chell is Aiden's daughter.

Edit: Yeah, Chell is not Aiden's daughter. His daughter's name is Ava. Still, with now soon the Aperture "Human Resources" room was after introducing Aiden's back story seems to imply that Aperture abducted her and she could still be on ice in some Aperture facility. With Wilson being jacked into both the Arbeit computers and the Combine's system(at least enough to free Aiden), he could already know the answer. It could be the direction the next game takes.