The two people on horseback are going to hunt down a fox and let their hunting dogs rip it to shreds while it’s still alive they often break some law while they are hunting, like trespassing and let their horses trample someone’s yard, and the authorities don’t do shit about it since they often make some high ranking policeman a member of their hunting club and pretend the cop is one of them (of course everyone knows they look down on the pleb cop). All these people in the photo are massive cunts.
A small number of extremely rich Brits like to dress up in red, ride horses, and chase a fox across the countryside with a pack of dogs who will tear the fox apart if they catch it. They also don't give much of a shit if their hunt has to go across farms or peoples' gardens they'll just go anyway. And maybe pay compensation for damage but often not. It's seen as pretty much the height of 'posh wanker' behaviour. Bunch of cunts.
Plus also in this photo we have the privately educated, millionaire, 'man of the people' Nigel Farage who was probably more responsible than anyone else for Brexit. Cunt.