The entire political establishment is in agreement on the need to enforce the pro-corporate policy of “forever COVID,” in which the working class and broad layers of society as a whole are condemned to unending waves of mass infection, death and debilitation with Long COVID.
The issue is that it’s less severe, partially because people have immunity and partially because the virus is weaker (this happens with new illnesses - they get less fatal and spread more).
But wastewater isn’t newsworthy. It never has been. It’s disingenuous to say the media isn’t covering this when ERs are NOT having issues and people aren’t dying.
Many doesn’t the media have mass coverage of the common cold? Why don’t they cover norovirus? Endemic shit that doesn’t kill people isn’t really newsworthy.
Yeah, there's an important difference between having covid and having covid with no herd immunity.
I caught covid during the pandemic, it was around a month after receiving the vaccine. So actually I never even got a fever. I had like a day of cold symptoms, never even showed positive on lateral flow.
But since my girlfriend did test positive, as per the rules here at the time, I did a proper lab test. That confirmed that yes I had covid at the time or close to when I had the test.
So at the very height of the immunity provided by the vaccine I still technically caught the virus. Which makes sense.
So, with the general increase in immunity there can be a lot of covid detected in wastewater, but many or most of those people putting that waste out may only be having cold level symptoms.
Less severe at first maybe but plenty of studies showing long term damage from what starts as a mild cold. If reporting was being done on the science, that's what it would say but reporting is very very limited.
You’re spreading disinformation. This one is not less severe. I know a couple of people who were hospitalized with this strain, and everyone else I know who’s gotten it were knocked on their ass.