I love these! My favorite one is, “if you were forced to shove a whole pineapple up your ass, as a matter of life and death, would you insert it top or bottom first?”
Keep in mind, you’ll need to get it back out once it’s in.
The roaches. At least you know their true nature, not surprising to find them there and, in days of high frustration, one can go up and stomp a few for that crunchy sound of bug demise.
Only a hard choice if you've never dealt with roaches. 1000 roaches is enough to convince me that the house would never be free of them ever, roaches are incredible in the way they survive and thrive. Unless you made sure you killed every single last one and their offspring, you ain't getting rid of them.
person, though a much more difficult encounter it'd probably cost nothing to get them out of there, and the likehood of them coming back is much lower. all it'd take for the roaches to come back is the exterminator missing 2 or 4 of them
Do we even know if this person has outside connections?
Maybe I can hire them pennies on the dollar
I would force them to do the work that I loathe doing when I web Dev, repeatedly making pages or posts or whatever, they get a home and wage I get to live happy
Person. Odds are that they’re not as bad as media has been trying to convince us that we are; that said, 1k(4) cockroaches can still be managed with enough effort