(edited title to revise death toll downper latest reporting; we'll see if it stays that way)
0027CST update: The shooter has been identified as a 15-year-old girl, whom I won't name given standard journalistic practice for minors. That's available in the link, alongside an inexplicable reference to her sometimes using another name, as though this is somehow relevant. The good news is two have been released from hospital, but two remain in critical condition.
The incidents left 38 people dead and at least 115 other victims injured, according to CNN’s analysis of events reported by the Gun Violence Archive, Education Week and Everytown for Gun Safety.
but the death of a single CEO is what we should be focusing on, right?
According to a CNN analysis, there have been at least 83 school shootings across the country this year, including 56 at K-12 schools, with at least 38 fatalities.
One more, and we hit seven for the year. Though I'm a bit confused how we jumped from 81 to 83 with a single incident.
I only dared run the exact same editorial once (one year apart in college). The Onion hit paydirt the first time they ran this one, and it never gets stale, which is some pretty quality writing.
Fucking conservative ghouls have literally been chomping at the bit to make this about trans people from the second they heard "shooting", and the media is desperate for their clicks, to monetize. Media has a literal vested interest in misinformation now, because there's a demo that wants it. Atrocious and infuriating.
I'd ordinarily agree this could be a dog whistle, but "Samantha" is not generally considered male. I'd imagine this is more along the lines of going by a middle name as a teen act of rebellion.
Perhaps not in the NPR article, but in the first press conference held by the police, a reporter asked directly if they were trans. This angle is definitely out there, even if hopefully it will die out quickly.