I remember the time before the Internet became a thing.
We played in the streets, we rode our bicycles, came home when the street lights came on and well, you know the rest of the story. :) I was 12 when the first ever home computer invaded my home and I was hooked! It was a Tandy Radio Shack Color Computer II with a Tape drive and joystick. It was fantastic! My favorite game on there was a text adventure titled "Bedlam" in which you escape a mental institution. (https://www.figmentfly.com/bedlam/)
My first ever modem was a 300baud modem. I ran up a $200+ phone bill in long distance charges when I was able to magically find all this wonderful software for my computer. I remember being a teenager when AOL was staring to be popular and I used GENIE from General Electric for their WWW Multi user BBS. (I still remember my username, xky06729,publish (Second part was my assigned password) I also ran a few BBS's on Atari 8-bit computers and Atari ST computers. I was rockin' the 1200baud modem and remember the time when I hooked up a brand new out of the box 14,400baud modem. I was speeding along until about 45 minutes later and someone let the magic smoke come out! I was in high school when a fellow student bragged about getting online in AOL ('91-'92) and sat amazed listening to his stories. I still remember the dial up sound especially on the 56k modems with error correction.
I was in my early 20's when I first got my "Always on" internet connection from the cable company and it's never been the same! I have two grand kids which I plan on boring with my stories of the time before the Internet and how much better life was when they get a little bit older. (one's 2 and the other is 6).
Anyone else grow up playing on your home computer which hooked to the TV?
It was an Atari 400 for me which my single mom stretched to buy me for Christmas when I was 4 thinking it would help me “learn computers”. I never coded a single line of code on it; only ever got game cartridges.
My uncle had a TI-99/4A though, which lived at my grandmothers house. We would write code on it and save the games we wrote (from a manual) to audio cassettes.
I did end up with a career in IT so I like to give my mom credit for that even if it’s a tenuous connection ☺️