We get this in my hometown - people see the place, decide they want to live in the forest. They clearcut a chunk of it and build their house. Then when a bear wanders into their new yard (following the same territory it always has) they call the cops.
I don't even know. I guess folks from the suburbs would call the cops and get an animal control officer to come out if they saw a bear in their yard? But my town was way too small to have animal control - theres like 2 cops and the emergency system switches over to the state troopers at night.
And again, bears live in the woods, of you build your house in their woods they're gonna walk on your deck occasionally.
The best experiences i had with deer was when i was fishing. they just chilled around me and wondered what the fuck is this human doing in our home. It was nice to share the time with them as no one else was there and it was quiet