I don't think I've ever watched someone playing games intentionally, outside of like "how do you do this part?" guides, and maybe a couple hours spectating in games total.
Ok, and a handful of like "let me solo her" highlights that made it to me. But I never like seek it out.
Bro, preach. Definitely only need a quick clip for like, where is this item hiding in Elden Ring?
Maybe helps that I still have a solid squad of irl mates I game with, but also don't mind catching solo time on single players.
I was dead fucking wrong about twitch tho. When it first came out I was like "who the hell is this for, younger siblings?" Like, why wouldn't you just play the game yourself? Figured there'd be a lil niche for e-sport pro level scene, but twitch got way bigger than I ever would've thought.
Saying all this as a mid-thirty dude who truly will never comprehend people who spend a bunch on twitchy
It's cool watching people of different skill levels than you, not just the pros I think. Also when people take on challenges that take a long time, you can kind of skip through the vid at your leisure.
Plus sometimes you just don't have the energy to game. It's like Matt Groening said in that old Life is Hell comic (although about tv): Why is tv the best pal of all? When you're tired, tv does the playing for you.
I like people doing challenge runs and speed runs, and occasionally letsgameitout who spends 1000 hours committing to the bit that I might have considered as a passing funny joke. I'd rather watch that then some evening ad riddled free to air.
I'm well over 30, not far from 40. Hobbies can be entertaining like watching someone else race a car. I ain't gonna be able to do that. But I appreciate those who can.
It would never occur to me to go watch someone do a whole speed run. Even less so to watch someone "doing a bit". Like, making a character that looks like Shrek and invading in a swamp is kind of funny, but I'm not going to watch that.
I don't know how to explain the complete void that is my interest there. Like, I wouldn't be mad if it was on in the background. But I just... Don't find it appealing. Like watching paint dry or looking out my window. It's there. Sometimes there's a cat. But I'm never going to be like "sweet let's go watch outside the window "