Brazilian's impression on Europe(i have never been there and this is based on nothing)
Brazilian's impression on Europe(i have never been there and this is based on nothing)

cross-posted from:
this one is for the Europeans who laughed when i made fun of the Yankees.
Before the fun police comes and confiscates my post, this is obviously a joke and should not be taken seriously(unless you are Portuguese)
As a Spaniard I take extreme offense to your incredibly accurate depiction of Spain as a desert
19 0 ReplyDoctor Who 😂
9 0 ReplyAs Sylvester McCoy said: "The Doctor's not from Gallifrey but from Galloway"
3 0 Reply
Bro that’s the only kind of socialism I like, don’t want any other kind lol
8 0 Replysame
1 0 Reply
Pour one out for the Titanic Memorial Iceberg
7 0 ReplyTiocfaidh ár lá
5 0 ReplyDo latin america next!
4 0 ReplyFrance - Unless part :
Until you really discover the north, then... Maybe not.It would be renamed useful, and racists too, often ... 💆
2 0 Replycan't wait for the rest of the continents' maps
2 0 Reply