During many Olympics, Usain Bolt sustained himself on nothing but 100 Chicken McNuggets a day, because they have a really optimal Carb to Protein ratio and are very consistent (whereas strange new food in foreign countries might be risky).
So, you're just eating like one of the world's best athletes.
Something tells me he was also getting fiber, vitamins, and minerals from somewhere during that time, so unless you have a dietician on call to help you balance that out, don't eat nothing but Chicken McNuggets.
‘Serving sizes’ are absolute nonsense. They are always wildly out of step with reality. Only reason they put it on there is so manufacturers can claim “our product isn’t bad, it only contains X calories per serving”.
Meanwhile, they put serving sizes fit for ants on packages that clearly aren’t meant to be shared and don’t reflect reasonable consumption. For example, a serving size of three jelly beans is silly by any stretch of the imagination. So is putting ‘serving sizes’ on a soda can. And a sleeve of Oreos? One cookie is a serving. Yeah, we all know that’s not how you eat Oreos…
I work in a sandwich place that sells fairly large chocolate chip cookies. The bags we put them in are labeled as containing 4 servings. Buncha nonsense.
Absolutely insane. Sure, large cookie, but I've never seen anyone go "okay I will slice up this cookie and eat only a fourth" also that's how your make a cookie go stale faster! These manufacturers are cruel.
Frequently servings are fairly close to 1 ounce. Oreos are a little over an ounce for 3 cookies at 34 grams.
This isn't necessarily a serving suggestion. They'd actually very much like it if you ate an entire sleeve in a sitting, 3 times a day.
It's only there so you can calculate with excruciating detail exactly how many grams of sugar you just swallowed when you stuffed the middle of 4 cookies together.
I knew a guy in the army who would eat a gigantic bowl of oreos (usually 2/3rds of a regular package) and watch saturday morning cartoons. he said it helped him pass MREs.
That's why the US is so obese. I don't eat junk food. I liked the nuggets when I still ate meat and smoked weed in high school. Even with the munchies I couldn't even eat 10. And I live in The Netherlands so they are much less unhealthy (less fat, less sugar, better quality meat) then in the US.
I can finish 10 nugs from anywhere but McDonald's. Something about McDonald's food makes me feel so much more full on so much less food, and not in a good way.
I liked Chicken McNuggets when I ate meat, and then one day I learned that they have four pre-stamped shapes and something about that grossed me out so I never ordered them again.
Meanwhile I've always been the one that takes the smallest possible meal at McDonald's, and would think that 5 nuggets with fries and drinks is just enough. In fact I hate going to restaurants in general because portions are always much too big for me. I can't usually take doggy bags, and I feel like I'm wasting most of what I'm served. I can't recall even finishing a plate in a (real) restaurant; there's always too much. I'm always like "oh it was really tasty but I can't eat much more!"
I'm a small person, but I'm definitely still hungry after 5 nuggets and some fries at McDonald's. The food isn't particularly filling like at all. Don't get me wrong, I still get a single meal instead of multiple, but that doesn't mean I'm not still hungry.
Me too! I so so so wish more places offered half portions. There are maybe two restaurants near me that offer half portions on every menu item and it's amazing. It is just the right amount and I really don't mind paying the 50%+$1 price or whatever.
Lol when the 50 piece first came out. I was just eating those on my own and the boys would buy their own 50 piece. Worked great for the munchies and being buzzed.