Liberals had nine years to decipher Mr. Trump’s appeal — and they failed. The Democrats are a party of college graduates, as the whole world understands by now, of Ph.D.s and genius-grant winners and the best consultants money can buy. Mr. Trump is a con man straight out of Mark Twain; he will say anything, promise anything, do nothing. But his movement baffled the party of education and innovation. Their most brilliant minds couldn’t figure him out.
They still have it coming. Unless they're personally on Trump's hit list they're going to be too wealthy and insulated to feel any real consequences from a Trump administration. The people who are going to suffer the most are minorities and poor people.
I think the problem is that many Democrats are stuck in an information bubble, and instead of listening to the other side, they demonize them and cancel them. It is hard to figure out what the other side is thinking if you don't actually listen to what they are thinking.
You're gonna get downvoted, but you're partially right. Everyone self-selects their media, and avoids things that challenge their assumptions. Liberals are not exempt from this.
And if we are having nuanced policy discussions, it's possible to listen to the other side and respond. But when our political discourse is "They're eating the cats", and you know that's not true, what other way is there to respond?
A talking head who gets paid a six figure salary to go on TV and spout inane bullshit about immigrants eating pets shouldn't be replied to. Cletus in the comment section who has a two year degree and makes an hourly wage to do skilled manual labor and honestly thinks the government will let any migrants who want to do so walk into the country whenever they want and give them a welfare check for their trouble does need to be spoken with.
That's all a lot easier said than done, but I think that's the general outline of the problem here.
We see them. We live among them. We have to work with them. A lot of us have to hear them on the daily.
We know that a lot of what they are "thinking" is due to letting the right wing propaganda machine take a big dump in their skulls every day, and nearly everything they are "thinking" (really, feeling) is based on entirely false premises.
I think I know who you are talking about. The loud and proud ones. But what the loudest people are saying is no necessarily what most people are thinking. So you can't assume everyone thinks like them.
Even if their thinking is based on false premises, as you claim, they have legitimate grievances. The Democrats will never get their votes if they don't address the grievances with a realistic alternative plan.
"the elites had it coming", but they won't be the one's catching the worst of this next administration. I suspect there are college graduates on both sides of the aisle. FU NYT, you helped to create this coming debacle.
Uh, how are the elites going to have anything coming but more tax breaks and more special privileges? If things get bad enough for liberal elites, they can just move, and keep their money. Elites are not going to suffer; it is the poor and middle class, no matter how they voted.
"settler colonialism"... My problem with this bit of academic jargon was not that it was wrong... but rather that it offered a glimpse of our poisoned class relations
This pale, racist bro has no clue who the actual victims of settler colonialism are. Zero mention of any genocide at any time or place. He just wants to protect the feelings of his fellow pale people with delusional myths.
The dems/"elites" lost because they unilaterally imposed a completely uninspiring, genocidal cop on us.