I'm not responding to shit. You guys voted for this so I'm coasting by on my middle class white privilege from now on. I tried to reinforce the dam and everyone around me decided to blow it up instead. Now it's time to sink or swim on your own. I'm not wasting any more time trying to help people who won't help themselves.
We seem to be on an irreversible path now. That means what it means for all of us, including black people. What certain groups wanted to happen doesn't make any difference. If you're suggesting it does then you're not basing that on reality but rather what you wish reality was.
There you go. Scream into the void. Let it all out.
Done? Cool, now as I was saying, this is what America is about now. You can be mad at me for it if you want to but it isn't going to change anything. You're on this ship just like the rest of us. The least you can do is be honest with yourself about where it's headed.
Is what I'm saying selfish? Yeah, probably, at least as far as past ways of thinking would say, but again that's not what we've collectively decided we're doing anymore. We're in a new era of stupidity and social sadism. It's clear we're not going to change until things get way worse so I'm going to focus on getting me and mine through this. That's self preservation in action. I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable but that's the reality of the situation.