The only focused Democratic message for the past 8+ years has been, "We need to stop Trump," which I agree with, but without Trump, I can't think of a single, unified message. That's not enough to get the general population fired up and excited to vote for Dems. One thing that made Obama so popular was he had specific goals and gave people hope.
Trump, in the meantime, has been feeding people all sorts of promises and hopes and dreams. They're all terrible and full of shit, but that is a more powerful message than just, "We need to stop Harris."
Man, if he'd form a populist left party and stop caucusing with the Dems, he might get a lot of enthusiastic support and candidates running locally soon
“Will the big money interests and well-paid consultants who control the Democratic Party learn any real lessons from this disastrous campaign? Will they understand the pain and political alienation that tens of millions of Americans are experiencing? Do they have any ideas as to how we can take on the increasingly powerful Oligarchy, which has so much economic power?” Sanders asked.
”Probably not”
Bernie has been the Cassandra of the Democratic Party for decades. They need to realize that it has gone too far. The insane wealth gap, which has surpassed pre-Revolution France at this point, combined with the unaffordability of everything has created a crisis that won’t be fixed by platitudes and vague promises.
People are desperate, afraid, and angry. Changing that to hope and enthusiasm requires real plans that average voters can understand and even more than that requires correctly showing people the source of the problem.
Being beholden to billionaires is the real problem. And all their money, advertising, polling, and other bullshit didn’t do a damn thing to help Harris. Take them on the way FDR did or give the country to republicans permanently.
The what party? America still has more than one political party?
Edit: I don't mean 'both parties are the same, you knuckleheads.' I mean there won't be a Democratic party by the next election. There won't be any parties but the Republican party.
The DNC needs to allow voters to elect who they actually want during the primary. We were force fed Hillary because the DNC didn't want Bernie. We didn't even have a primary because we were force fed Biden, then given Harris because Biden was so unelectable. The DNC must allow democratic process to take place so that voters elect the presidential candidate that they want.
Nah i dont think yall are willing to do it. 2028 you'll be holding your nose again voting for an out of touch moderate to oppose trumps third term instead of giving a progressive you completely agree with any kind of chance.
Bernie is correct for the 100th time. But is little too late now. Unless Dems are serious about tackling working class issues. I don't see anything changing. Many people view the Dem party not for the average person anymore.
I wonder why Bernie and other progressives don't band together and announce their own party. With enough big names (especially Bernie) they could gather enough attention to be a viable third party that actually represents progressive and more left leaning ideas than the democrats. They have two years until the next local elections to get their foot on the race, I think they could get done traction if they actually go for that
If he formed a new party with young, fresh faces, I'd vote for them regardless of how that affected whatever the DNC did. I feel like there's enough similar sentiment that he could force change in the DNC
Yesterday and today feel like I'm reliving my mom's election loss back in 2016. I was too young then to understand the weight behind what was going on at the time, although I did at least understand why Trump seemed like a dumb candidate. Anyways, I distinctly remember how when it was obvious that Hillary lost, even though she won the popular vote, that something wasn't right. My mom was sobbing while looking for places to move into, since we were moving out anyways. Now, 8 years later, I'm having those exact same feelings as she did except with my boyfriend on my side, knowing very well that come January that if nothing happens, we could very well be one of his first targeted groups. I fucking hate this timeline, man.
I hate to defend a major party, but it does feel like people expect Democrats to fix all the nation's problems when they have utterly no power to do so.
The reality is most Americans are not with Bernie on the things he's talking about. The average American has been heavily propagandized by the corporate media (not just news media, all of it) to love corporate stuff. Capitalism good, socialism bad, cheap gas good, electric stoves bad. Go to most Americans in the rust belt, that's how they think.
If Democrats are supposed to skip to the part where they implement policies that no one currently supports outside of liberal intellectual circles with all the power they supposedly have, that's skipping to the end. What's Bernie's solution for getting people outside of Vermont on his side to begin with?
This is an inaccurate claim by Sanders. Biden was the first President to walk a picket line with striking workers.
With union negotiations, he was pretty balanced. He did come down on the railroad strikes some after both sides got stuck, but they did get improvements beyond what management wanted to give. With the ports, though, he stuck with the workers and forced management to negotiate by refusing to override the strike.
Could the Democrats do more? Sure. But they're still recovering from the fever that took the party over with Clinton in '92. There are a lot of people who believe that win was a meaningful approval of the pro corporate but not racist Democratic Party platform, when in reality Clinton only won thanks to Perot.
I don't know that there was any magic messaging that Harris could've deployed this time around. I'm not sure there was any likely alternative even from a short post-Biden primary that could've done better than her.
Trump has everyone thinking he has some magic way to boost salaries and lower prices. And he railed against the elites more stridently and apparently people believed him.
On the other hand Google saw a lot of traffic with people asking if Biden dropped out so who knows what could have been done to avoid Trump 2.
It's all too much. The Democratic party wants to be a big tent party, the party of all. That's just not possible. Every group wants the party to prioritize their issues. Blacks and whites, straight people and gay people, men and women, young and old, religious people and atheists, owners and workers, cops and criminals, leftists, moderates, and conservatives, etc, etc, etc. We can't give everyone what they want.
I'm sorry, I really am, but we can't make everyone happy. Especially since a lot of these groups do not like each other. Look, it would be great if all these different groups could come together in one big rainbow coalition of peace, join hands and sing Kumbaya but it ain't gonna fucking happen. Stop trying to please and appease all these people and instead try to materially improve the lives of as many people as possible.
Stop trying to achieve perfect justice for every identity group and just focus on making housing more fucking affordable for as many people as possible, and healthcare, and a decent education, and so forth.
Working class people can also suck, tho. Remember all those stickers they put on the gas pumps blaming biden for the price of gas. Like, common you fucking fools, that's ridiculous and you would never let your bitch boy trump take the credit for that.
the cost of living is a complex issue with multiple causes that will take a very careful and calculated collection of regulations regarding home ownership, rent, taxes, and it's not going to work for everyone, and it's not going to happen overnight
supporting and expanding social welfare programs helps everyone
What are they expecting? The Republicans will be able to write a law saying Netflix will be cheaper and have no ads?
Thanks for being a democratic hack for years and years. You rage against them and constantly try to dunk on them, but what's your party affiliation? Oh yeah, that's right, Democratic. Good job criticizing them while also being part of the problem.