I'm feeling like just hiding in bed for the next 4 years. Friends on Lemmy, got any advice for us Americans coping with the oncoming shit show that is the Trump GOP takeover?
Get organized. Join a Leftist org, find solidarity with fellow comrades, and protect each other. The Dems will not save you, it is up to the Workers to protect themselves. The Party for Socialism and Liberation and Freedom Road Socialist Organization both organize year round, every year, because the battle for progress is a constant struggle, not a single election. See if there is a chapter near you, or start one! Or, see if there's an org you like more near you and join it, the point is that organizing is the best thing any leftist can do.
Read theory. A good primer is Blackshirts and Reds. It will help contextualize what fascism is, what causes it, and how to stop it. I can offer more advanced reading lists regarding Marxism if you'd like, but this is a good starting point.
Aggressively combat white supremacy, misogyny, queerphobia, and other attacks on marginalized communities. Cede no ground.
Be more industrious, and self-sufficient. Take up gardening, home repair, tinkering. It is through practice that you elevate your problem-solving capabilities. Not only will you improve your skill at one subject, but your general problem-solving muscles get strengthened as well. Theory guides practice, which sharpens theory to be reapplied to better practice.
Learn self-defense. Get armed, if practical. Be ready to protect yourself and others. The Democrats will not save us, we must do so.
Be persistent. If you feel like a single water driplet against a mountain, think of the Grand Canyon. Oh, how our efforts pile up! With consistency, every rock, boulder, even mountain, can be drilled through with nothing but steady and persistent water droplets.
Your fear is understandable and valid, this is a dark timeline and a really bad outcome.
But being afraid and panicking cannot possibly help anybody, least of all yourself.
Take a few days if you can to reset mentally as much as possible.
Then, get to work building resistance, it's more critical now than ever. Find a leftist org near you and get involved. DSA, a local anarchist group, a worker co-op that needs volunteers, a democratic socialist org, anything leftist that is doing real work locally.
If you can't donate your time, donate your money. If you can't donate either of those, then help them spread the word on your social media. Post all their links and use your social media to advertise their events and meetups, help make people aware.
On the personal side, protect your health. The conservatives largely want to demolish healthcare, especially for underprivileged folks. Your health is so critical, especially now.
Quit your vices or at least, reduce them:
Quit smoking/vaping.
Stop drinking, at least heavily if you do.
Stop eating junk food/candy.
Get in shape, hike, calisthenics, walk, bike, etc.
It will not only help protect you from an administration that wants you to have less coverage if you're sick/injured, it will help your mental health and save you money, sometimes tons of money.
Final advice for money, save it as much as you can. Practice frugality, get together with friends to cook and share meals. Get involved socially with people, learn about your community, build solidarity.
We will get through this, I believe in you, and I believe in the human drive for true freedom, equality, and community. Don't let that flame burn out, we're in this together, and only together can we come out victorious. ✊
Republicans also control senate and might control the house in addition to majority conservative judges in supreme court. I so hope its going to be "just 4 years"
For real. Take some time to focus on something new and "pointless". Soak in some gorgeous views and learn about your local waterways. Reconnect with the land around you.
No one is coming to save any of us, the only people who have our back is each other. We have to drop this American individuality bullshit and focus on growing communities that function outside the capitalist/US government paradigm because those institutions are not going to save us: they plan to grind us into paste to make money.
We truly are at the end game, the capitlists don't see our middle class as valuable internationally anymore, so they want to cut the strings and make us compete with people who get paid dollars a day to solder parts together in a factory. Bezos pushes his employees so hard because he's part of this mindset, too. They expect our lives to revolve around making them money until the planet is burnt to a cinder.
Figure out what your useful skills are, and add them to the pile. A lot of us here are tech nerds, and we can build out sneakernets and large-scale non-internet-connected-LANs in neighborhoods. Others can offer grow food, others can offer medical care, and so on.
We have to accept that the systems as they exist are failing us, and we can only count on ourselves and each other.
Get organized. Nobody ever won their rights by voting, they won by getting together with their neighbors and coworkers and standing up to capital. Unions used to be a major political player in the US, but capital has almost completely destroyed them, with the help of the dems and the repubs. The working class has been hypnotized by trinkets into ceding all political power. We need to claw it back.
It will be strikingly similar to the last 4 years but the partisan narratives will simply flip in various ways, as will those of allied media. The bad things that the Trump admin did in his first term that became suddenly tolerable, ir even "good" under Biden? They will be back to being good again. Dem politicians will be back to calling themselves "the resistance" despite losing another layup because they could not do more than campaign on "at least we aren't them" while presiding over a genocide and economic decline for the average person, both with intentional policies. Remember that they are all PR and cynicism and are lying to you about what they will do, as they are not beholden to a disorganized public in any way.
To be clear, bad things will be happening. It is only reasonable to feel some despair for them, but if you can allow that to motivate you to substantive action you can escape merely being a witness to suffering and can begin to work materially against it. Much of that suffering was going to happen anyways or a different form of suffering may have happened under a Harris regime. It's not like Democrats did much with their power, they tend to pretend they have no party discipline or power even when thry have the presidency and Congress, so they allowed the major shifts at state levels to occur largely unheeded and served a right wing agenda at the national level. So it is important yo ask the question of what action you can take that does not depend on expecting Democrats to save you. They won't. What we need are other organizations, ones that organize independently of ans often in opposition to the Democrats, Dems who otherwise suck up all political energy demanding improvements to people's lives and turn it into more cops and wars.
So, the two ingredients to effective organizations are political education and organization building. The former is just an organized form of reading and teaching, and it is essential because we have all internalized false ideas of how politics functions. They are taught to us by the ruling interests that keep us disempowered *because * this keep them in power. The latter is about growing and improving an organization so that it can have greater and greater leverage and develop strategies for gaining and wielding power (and power is not things like letter writing campaigns to already-elected ghouls, it is making demands that must be met or else).
You can enjoin this kind of project in many ways. You don't need to jump deeply into a hardcore organization straightaway; it can be useful to join one that is only oushing yourself moderately at first. Maybe a mutual aid organization or a single issue or single community group. The important thing is that it is of the left and therefore not of thr Democratic party. You can also engage in your own political education independently if you'd like, which can keep the pressure down when you are first starting out with irl left work.
And of course please do rely on whatever community you already may have, including here. I am happy to chat here or via DMs if you'd like and can answer basically any question you might have. I'm also happy to recommend readings that you may find useful or helpful.
Yeah, the election results were a horrible thing to wake up to. I had really hoped for a better outcome, but this is the direction America decided to go.
The biggest thing to remember right now is that the progressive cause will always have work to do, and challenges to face. Even if we had won, either partially or by a landslide in the House, Senate, and Executive branch, that would still hold true. The American Right may very well unleash new horrors that make life intolerable for absolutely everyone, and may take up policies that get people killed. Now, more than ever, it is on us to build bridges and networks of support. All we have to do is outlive these bastards, and oppose their worst tendencies at every turn. Vote early, vote often, and vote locally.
In the coming days and weeks, pundits will likely try to highlight all the possible reasons that the Harris campaign failed, because they love sounding like informed geniuses who take a result, work backwards, and highlight what should have been done. Try not to lean into the tendency to blame people on the left, and try to avoid infighting. It's going to happen.
in the short term: do something that helps you cope with our reality.
in the long term: reach out the people who both love and respect you and tell them how you feel. mutual aid is how we survived every time there's been a hostile government and it'll work again. we've been here before, we've survived, and we will do it again.
They are going to spend those 4 years doing everything they can to fix the next election as well. Gerrymandering, voter intimidation, you name it. By all means hide in bed to get over the shock but, if you stay there, you'll need to stay there more than 4 years.
I don’t know… revel in the fact that you are living (so far) through an event that could be epoch defining? Not everybody gets a front seat to history.
That’s, uh, about all I’ve got for now. Sorry.
I'm not saying I understand the magnitude, but ICYMI: the populist right is also winning left and right in Europe. In my country, it's mostly just kind of funny since these blowhards are only now realising governing a country is kind of difficult and lots of government employees are just fighting against everything that's idiotic or destructive.
Thing is, one man can only do so much. If there are still people on the inside who have a feel for wrong and right, democracy is pretty rigid. People are desperate, but nowhere near as desperate as Germans were in the 30s after the huge sanctions and fines after The Great War.
In any event: my take on it all is to see what happens. If you voted, you did all you can do other than organising and taking to the streets. That's essentially what your second amendment is for. To put a positive spin on it: maybe he will actually improve your admittedly declining country. I just hope the means won't be catastrophic for anyone.
Trump is obviously in declining physical and mental health that might force him to step down. Of course, this just gives us shitbird #2, but at least he might be smart enough to not tank the economy.
Maybe the Republicans will do something about him. We've seen some Republicans publicly come out against him, and there are probably a lot more who oppose him privately. Republicans are cowardly bastards, but they're also greedy bastards, so they might invoke the 25th before Trump crashes the economy with tariffs.
Maybe Judge Juan Merchan will sentence him. I'm not sure how this works legally, and this is so unprecedented that I don't think anybody really does, but maybe, just maybe, Merchan will say "fuck it" and give the Republicans a little constitutional crisis to go along with their election victory.
There are worse things in our daily lives. Like the giant pothole you hit on the way to the store. Your neighbors dog shitting in your yard. The stack of TPS reports your asshole boss left on your desk. These have a direct negative impact on your life. Regardless of their agenda, politicians will always have less impact on us than our daily does of regular human bullshit.
Pessimistic as that may be, there's an upshot. As many times as that dog shits on your grass, you might watch your favorite baseball team win. Or for every TPS report, you have a real sincere laugh at the water cooler. Think about the scope. Keep it in perspective.
Note: This is meant for the people who leaned hard into the move to Canada meme last time. Obviously, there are people who's lives will be irrevocably be changed. Check your privilege and fight for those who lack it. People of conviction don't hide.
Do not fear, for fear is your enemy. But there are quite a lot of great suggestions here. Only one note. If you'll protest, wear a mask and have something for self-defence.
But as a European I really fear for the possibility of might makes right world. We can only hope for continuation of bilateral support.
If you're in a marginalized group. I guess a self-defence weapon is in order. People can and sometimes are just animals.
my dad always taught me not to let the workings of the world affect my personal mood
even if the world is going to shit, you can carve out a little slice of life for yourself and the people you love. take care of those people, take care of what you own, do the things you're passionate about and let God worry about the rest
Form an in person community. Focus on fun, then slowly start integrating shared political activism. Use the experience from this to enter local government.
Not so much advice as a selfish request: please try to stay with us. I mean that both figuratively (i.e. mentally checking out and becoming hollow) and literally (i.e. existing in this world). It's a selfish request because though I'm not even American, I am one of the countless people who are scared shitless today. I don't know how we will make it through this, but I know I can't do this on my own.
If you're here, scared with me, then I am not alone, and neither are you. It's a bit trite, but it helps me somewhat.
Mutual aid projects expose the reality that people do not have what they need and propose that we can address this injustice together. The most famous example in the United States is the Black Panther Party’s survival programs, which ran throughout the 1960s and
1970s, including a free breakfast program, free ambulance program, free medical clinics, a service offering rides to elderly people doing errands, and a school aimed at providing a rigorous liberation curriculum to children. The Black Panther programs welcomed people into the liberation struggle by creating spaces where they could meet basic needs and build a shared analysis about the conditions they were facing. Instead of feeling ashamed about not
being able to feed their kids in a culture that blames poor people, especially poor Black people, for their poverty, people attending the Panthers’ free breakfast program got food and a chance to build shared analysis about Black poverty. It broke stigma and isolation, met material needs, and got people fired up to work together for change.
Recognizing the program’s success, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover famously wrote in a 1969 memo sent to all field offices that “the BCP [Breakfast for Children Program] represents the best and most influential activity going for the BPP [Black Panther Party] and, as
such, is potentially the greatest threat to efforts by authorities to neutralize the BPP and destroy what it stands for.” The night before the Chicago program was supposed to open, police broke into the church that was hosting it and urinated on all of the food. The
government’s attacks on the Black Panther Party are evidence of mutual aid’s power, as is the government’s co-optation of the program: in the early 1970s the US Department of Agriculture
expanded its federal free breakfast program—built on a charity, not a liberation, model—that still feeds millions of children today. The Black Panthers provided a striking vision of liberation, asserting that Black people had to defend themselves against a violent and racist government, and that they could organize to give each other what a racist society withheld.
People in your community already need help. You and your friends can start building a mutual aid network today, one that can help queer people, black people, and women in need. You can decide what kind of aid you can provide. Maybe you're offering rides to airports to women who need to travel out of state for medical care. Perhaps you're providing safe places and spaces for the Trans population in your area. Whatever it is, you'll feel more connected and more in control of your community, and put out a positive influence within it.
Along the way, you should also try and educate yourself so that you can educate others.
Plenty of great advice here, but one more thing to think about is how such a large win for Republicans can be used against them a bit in the future. They won the Presidency and have majorities in the Senate, likely the House, the Supreme Court, and governorships. They have free reign to do what they want, which is scary, but it also means that they can't blame the Democrats for any bad things that may happen in the next 2 years until the midterms.
Any law that passes with bad outcomes is solely their fault. If the economy gets worse, it's all on them. If the deficit increases, they are the only ones to blame. If they don't fulfill their campaign promises, it's because they chose not to. If there is a government shutdown, it's because they couldn't agree on a budget. If bills aren't being passed, they are arguing too much. They can't even fall back on blaming the Democrats in the Senate because they have enough votes that they could cancel the filibuster while they are in office and reinstate it before they leave.
This means that you, and everyone else, can point out anything the government does that has a negative impact and say definitively that it is entirely the fault of the Republicans. If this is done frequently enough and loud enough, there may be enough frustrated voters to change the outcome the next time around. They will definitely do things that annoy almost every voter, whether they are going too far or not far enough in their agenda, and they can't hide that it was only them that made those decisions.
The Senate does not have a filibuster-proof majority. They could potentially end the filibuster, but given that it’s the Republicans’ favorite tactic, there’s a decent chance they might not. Especially since the less extreme Republicans can use it as an excuse to let bills they don’t like die without having to vote against the.
The House margin is likely to be thin enough that the moderate Republicans will vote down the crazies. So even if the Senate ends the filibuster, the most egregiously stupid laws should still be stoppable.
Trump still has the ability to do a lot of damage, and he probably will. But if the Republicans piss off people too quickly, they’re likely to tank in 2026, with there being a decent chance to turn both the House and Senate blue and lame duck Trump for the rest of his presidency.
Leave if at all possible. If not possible, set things up to increase the chance you will be able to one day - maybe move to near a border or something, and make sure your documents are handy and you have cash on hand or similar.
Treat it like nuclear fallout. Everything sucks right now. So much life is going to be oppressed. But eventually it will end, and we can begin rebuilding.
I think we overrate the ability of the government to change the living conditions in a country. The government is only one factor among others, such as technology, geography, ecnomics, history, climate, and the accumulation of small choices made over decades.
Why bother about politics when everything is just a theater. People thinking that voting changes anything still amazes me.
Dont treat politics seriously. It will come one way or another to you in some shape or form. Focus on things which you really can improve/change/work on.
Get active. The absolute worst thing you can do is "nothing". You will feel so much better getting out there and doing good work with your neighbors. Looking for local mutual aid orgs in your area is a good start. If you can't find any, start one yourself! Another commenter here goes into greater detail, but you can start very small! Or arrange some meetups around skill-sharing. You probably have a useful skill or knowledge that others could benefit from, and I'm sure there's things you'd like to learn as well. Doing things like this builds community bonds, and strengthens us all. Don't wallow, get involved!