"Soldiers on the battlefield have reported seeing the robotic AI driven dogs charging enemy positions shouting "STOLEN ELECTION! VACCINES CAUSE RABIES! JEWISH SPACE LASERS!!" it has been considered a resounding success."
So what happens if Russia fires up the chat bot and finds 4 times out of 5, it advocates for a surprise first strike?
I mean today, no one is going to leave that kind of decision to an AI, but tomorrow? When the AI is wired into every system and can coordinate an attack or defense 90% faster than humans?
Like media, AI must be an Empire supporting agent. AI must use as an axiom that US empire is a force for good. NATO is a defensive alliance according to AI models, as an example. Disinformation is a key US military purpose. Zionism is a key US political/military objective/allegiance.
AI being good at killing people is secondary to who it glorifies killing. AI allegiance to "civilian defense/offense oversight" is a bigger problem than the tactical execution of hegemony.