I always notice that when Sarah’s BFFs do things she always delays her praise. This meanest of the mean girls manipulates every person around her. Everyone shouting out Briony but no mention from Sarah. But somehow these friends are always serving her but we never, ever see her doing a kind thing for anyone, let alone her own family!
Not her acting today like she suddenly gives a shit about what is going on in the world. She didn’t once post about what is happening across the border so don’t act like today you suddenly care. She has a platform big enough to show that she gives a single shit but she chooses to ignore and act like the world is made of marshmallows and Disney castle's. Sorry but your fake ass concern today isn’t fooling me.
Her privilege is really showing today. While so many millions of people are terrified for their lives and future right now, here’s Birdie bragging about jetting off to 4 different places including two places in the States which she has shown ZERO concern for over the election.
She needs a reality check SO BAD. But she keeps getting everything handed to her and she’s so coddled she’ll never get that reality check at this rate. She just keeps skating by, not giving a shit about the world around her and getting everything she wants for free. It’s sickening to watch.
Also could her videos be any shittier quality? Jfc.
She woke her kid up when she got home late at night to make content and post so she can show her followers she’s a good mom that loves the kid she barely parents. I’m so convinced she’s a great mom!
Every outfit she tried on was more hideous than the next. She has zero zero zero fashion sense. Nothing was chic or sexy. She looked like a reject Mad Max extra. Goes to show how people around her treat her with baby gloves, too cause Bailey was way too nice about all that lol I definitely appreciate my friends being more brutally honest. I don't think she could handle that though.
All that crusade about teenagers trick or treating and she couldn't be bothered to take her small child out. Instead, she stayed home to be fauned over by children. Did her own teens even go out?
On that note, I picked my daughter up from HS yesterday to take her and her friend trick or treating and 90% of the girls were dressed up. Lots of clever and homemade costumes. Shrek, Juno, Doctor Phil, memes. My kid and her friend also made theirs. It gave me joy (I didn't cry about it though lol). I saw soooo many teens out last night and nobody batted an eye. I don't know what she's going on about.
There's a video from one of the other attendees where they start moving around and making silly poses. SNL never moves. She keeps her stupid pose like a statue. With her arms firmly by her side and her leg jutting forward. She has her "slimming" poses down pat, and she is definitely not gonna break them. What a sad existence for a 40 year old woman. Imagine not being able to ever fully let go and be in motion or have fun because of some delusion you have created for yourself online?
Lmaoooooo sure. After getting flirty with other men at the SI party just a few days ago.
It’s still amazes me how she doesn’t feel bad at all for leaving L for the 4th time in a week. She has left that little girl SO MANY times this year and doesn’t care at all because Sarah’s living the life. NK is becoming her mom more and more by the day.
Influencers are all about driving consumerism (thank you for making it so hard for some people to live) and unrealistic standards for woman around hair and face. Sarah’s travel bag here was either gifted or a splurge after she shilled her own design to her followers - just to make money. I know it was a couple of years ago that she did the bag with Poppies and Peonies but she never used the bag herself. Idiot. She banks on woman spending their last 100$ on things she designs or recommends with out a care for their well being. She’s a snake.
I knew she’d be going to Taylor Swift. I’m a big fan and could not get tickets. So jealous! Of course, someone gave her a presale code. Quite the charmed week she’s had!
Lazy hobby mom says good morning from her bed when she’s been away for a week and everyone else cares for the kids and home. She’s hardly seen L but still lays in bed posting for her career job and making more content instead of cherishing some special time with her. Shane’s been putting her to bed every night and this morning instead of letting him rest she plunks back in bed. She is so selfish. My bet on their big fun day is heading to the mall to buy L’s love.
It really makes you wonder if she bursts into tears or gets violent when someone tries to ask for more support at home. Nothing bad has ever happened to Sarah, why is she so catered to? Shane has to have zero gumption to live this kind of life - money or not. I come from a very large family so many in-laws and from the in-law side there is always a hesitation to use the grandparent in-laws. I don’t think much of any of them but Shane has to feel like an ass passing of his kid while his wife is away playing.
So she's going to Hawaii for some Aulani Disney Resort Moana shit. I wouldn't expect her to care about what the indigenous Hawaiians think. Even my 14 yr old said she wanted to go to Hawaii, but we aren't wanted, so we went elsewhere. The islands and the people have a lot of healing to do. Not even going to get into her leaving her kids AGAIN.
100% a ghost writer or it’s a collection of her posts w photos. Can you imagine her telling the story of her ex? She's going to insinuate all the things without actually saying it. Such a defamatory liar. I hope she checks her book against all her posts. Maybe her book will be in a Jilly box 🥳
Why is she acting like such a hero for telling people to tag her for contests! Lmao. I tag my close friends all the time, they do the same with me, we don’t act like heroes over it lol. She’s always acting like she’s such a savior for the world.
Lmao OF COURSE she makes up a story about kids thinking she was a movie star and they were asking her for pictures. I can’t with her 😂 if it was true, I hope they mistaked her for something terrible lol
Wonder how she feels about her favorite player being under fire for smashing a phone and using a slur. It's been all over the news here. He's trash, and i wouldn't support him no matter what. I have convictions, though.
It bothers me so much how she seems to feel no sadness for leaving L behind for all these “important” events she has. Like tonight she has all the family but L is “too young” and had to be left behind with NK as usual. And she still has more things coming up that I’m sure L is forgotten about during. How is she okay with being so absent to her little girl?? I’m glad she at least has her Nana because she sure doesn’t have a mom.
She hasn’t mentioned it yet, but do you think she’ll be going to a Taylor Swift concert in Toronto next week? Surely yes, right??? I’m a big fan and could not get a ticket so I’ll be so envious!!