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This is just sad 😢

They’re playing Pokémon Go - how fun for them! Is this how they’re going to occupy their time instead of interacting with their pre-schooler while they’re at the park?

General TBP Snark
  • I think Nana K rules the roost and they all fall into their assigned family positions when the elders are there. Sarah is still a child and an obedient one so Nana takes the reins. Most adult women bristle when their mom parents the grandkids but Sarah leans in and abdicates any and all responsibility.

  • How is she making this sound like a religion and a some kind of pilgrimage
  • It is cult-like and presents an idealized view of the world - everything always works out in the end and we all live happily ever after. Life doesn’t work like that - bad things happen to good people and sometimes good people lose

  • Girl please,
  • There is no way that’s true and if it is the person must be visually impaired. Maybe it’s someone like us and they were playing with her! It makes me happy to think that’s true

  • There she is!

    Sarah’s crying at Disney again and being comforted by the teenagers wearing unbearably hot costumes. I don’t think much goes on in her brain but she seems to really believe they are magical. Just an FYI - they aren’t and most of them hate their job.

    Maybe it's a me problem?!?

    When it’s super hot denim shorts and tight tank are not my go-tos but it could just be me! She’s still got whatever she’s decided make her legs look good going on.

    Traditional Gender Roles

    Sarah Nicole Landry puts her female children into traditional, outdated gender boxes and it’s bothered me for a long time. I remember when her son was younger and he was encouraged to be who he is and wore nail polish and what some may consider non-traditional clothes for boys but she doesn’t do the same for her daughters. She’s all about dressing L up in extremely feminine clothes, always encouraging her to ‘do her nails’ and get her hair done and then drags her to the stupid Disney salon. We never see L out playing ball or learning to ride a bike. She’s taken on walks and then allowed some time to play at the park. That seems to be it. She doesn’t have trucks or cars to play with. All the toys are gendered for females like the Barbies. Even the movies the child is exposed to aren’t diverse. Sarah has mentioned in her stories, more than once, the child does not like having her hair washed so why would she think this is a great activity for her? She did it for the Gram. That’s the only reason. She dresses the pre-schooler in floofy, synthetic fabric dresses in the Florida swamp heat and drags her around pushing her into Sarah’s box.

    All About Me Barbie!

    There are so many places in the world for a family vacation but this family is back at Disney because it’s Sarah Nicole Landry, The Birds Papaya’s, favourite place on earth. It doesn’t matter what anyone else would like to do - Sarah’s going to book their day and they’re going to love it and be part of all the pics and videos she’s going to post to show everyone what a great time her loving family is having! There aren’t too many pair of ears people can have. Who cares about planet? Not this woman!

    The vocal fry is off the charts!

    Did you know her oldest is educating “literally high school”?

    Does she read here?

    We just said it doesn’t look like she has much going on and she posts this. She doesn’t post the ad but posts a teaser for the ad. Why?

    She just that dumb!

    Today she’s telling us how she’s afraid of the Bermuda Triangle and quicksand as she gives us the no makeup, messy hair version of Sarah. She’s been sporting this look a lot since getting home from LA.

    Come on! Where's the other half?

    She just gets more ridiculous by the day. This is NOT how she looks. She shoots it with the ‘no makeup’ look trying to convince everyone she’s ’just showing up’. She’s missing at least half her body and her skin has absolutely no texture. I don’t know why it infuriates me but it does and everyday I get a little more angry. Her time needs to be up!

    What's different?

    She’s playing at something with this pic. She’s showing some skin texture and the eyes aren’t huge but the neck isnt her own. The lips are so strange and unnatural. What else am I missing? She’s trying to keep working the con that she doesn’t filter and only uses Botox for migraines

    Poor Sarah!

    Finally on her way home but she’s exhausted! All that fun just takes it out of her!

    This made me laugh!

    Professional photographers chime in on throwing the peace sign.

    Just wow!

    She’s playing the mind games again. The chiseled chin with the squinty eyes. She can’t be filtering her face, some might say. And not one line on that pristine forehead. Botox for migraines works miracles

    Here we go!

    Sarah Nicole Landry has become a professional victim and she wants the world to know about it. I haven’t read the article yet but I’m going to assume it’s a woe is me story and how she’s going a great service for women everywhere by ‘showing up’ I’ll let you know if I’m right!

    No Original Thought

    If Sarah opened a pizza place she would just steal this idea. This doesn’t surprise me at all since she’s stolen so many things and claimed them as her own.

    Please make it stop!

    For the love of all that is good and holy (my Grandma used to say that) can she please stop drawing attention to her belly button. Absolutely no one, but her, cares but I fear she’s making a lot of women think about something they never felt self-conscious about before in their lives!

    Onto LA!

    The smug vibe she’s giving off lately is intolerable. She says ‘we’re’ but I do believe she’s alone. I detest it when she does that! Once again she’s treating it like it’s a big secret to drive engagement.

    Weekly update

    The listing is still not live. It’s coming soon…..

    Who does this?

    So, she’s in NYC, but she doesn’t have a travel buddy so she sets ip her camera to film herself eating mac & cheese (I’m sure it’s gluten-free) on her bed, in her hotel room while trying to get caught up on the whole Celine Dion catalogue since she’s really not a fan. I see it as she’s so insecure and lacking in confidence she can’t go out alone to dine in a fabulous NY restaurant and eat grown-up food. She had to film and post this so she can read the comments from her adoring fans to build her self-image. She is the opposite of everything she pretends her platform represents.

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