The native resolution of that thing was something along the lines of 1500x1000, but the scaler only accepted 1920x1080, and 1920x1200. Both resolutions had the same top and bottom bars so we assumed something got disconnected during transit, and we didn't bother fixing it as all content was in 16:9 anyways.
For the pictures with hyfetch I just captured the display of the laptop in obs and forwarded it to the big screen as that was more convenient than fiddling with the terminal window on a screen I couldn't see from laptop's position.
Sounds like they had their scaler set up to squash everything. Not the best for content, but the best for accepting whatever people will throw at it. Can't say I'm a fan of not giving you all the pixels you paid for, though!
I wonder how that bug happens from a programming standpoint. Despite that bug, it didn't crash or misbehave during the entire 2 day show, so I'm happy.
Funnily enough noone noticed that anything was "out of the ordinary".
The event organizer, who isn't techy, asked to use my pc so he could transfer some assets for display, sent them over, right clicked the photoshop files, and opened them in a cracked photoshop program i installed using wine. He then proceeded to add some finishing touches and export them as png files without noticing this pc wasn't running windows.
The thing that caused the most hiccups wasn't the os/software, but the hardware. The camera crew handed me some thunderbolt capture cards which didn't work because my $300 laptop which I got for free didn't support thunderbolt. We switched to some usb capture cards, and they worked perfectly without any configuring.
So I guess Linux has reached the title of It just works™️ (at least for this use case)
Wodla is an event agency that organizes crossfit competitions in Norway and Sweden. Nocco is a company that makes sports drinks with caffeine/vitamins.
It's essentially an led screen where each pixel is it's own rgb led. At 0.5% brightness it was still bright enough to over expose my phone camera so I had to dial it down in post.