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neurodiverse Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]

i can't make friends, people dont treat me like a human being

non autistics DNI. i can barley be friend with anyone. Most people don't want to be friend with me just because im black autistic and a communist alone. people always lie, choose their whims over values, treat you like shit. The friend I do have live in other states and have their own lives. It feels like almost every person is ignorant to the point of maliciousness and people take me having different values then them as an attack. and yeah it part my fault too, i cant drop things ever, I cant not say something when someone says something racist or misogynistic or just stupid as hell. I just cant keep living like this but it feels so impossible to live in this hellscape. my partner is amazing but they are the only reason im still here. non autistics do not interact please.

EDIT Thanks guys, im feeling a good bit better and less alone.