Stein wasn't even the only third party candidate stealing votes. I voted for Gary Johnson with the Libertarian party as a "protest vote". Glancing at national results, he had almost three times as many votes as Stein did.
I was 100% the moron this meme is targeted towards. I voted for Harris yesterday.
But you aren’t a moron if you learned from your mistakes. It means the opposite.
I wish we had ranked choice voting. Then these protest votes would still work and not screw with the system so bad and we could fight the stranglehold of the two party system.
I want something like this where I live. We have FPTP here, but we have a viable third option in some areas. I'd be happier to to have more than 2 robust parties on the national stage.
My state is trying to constitutionally ban the use of ranked choice systems 🫠 fingers crossed the muppets just drew enough awareness to implement it after we reject this amendment
Don't forget 2020. They even made Warren stay in through super Tuesday just to fuck him over more. Not to mention thar snake trying to claim Sanders as a sexist with that hot mic. I never forgive her for that.
The Jill Stein hate requires a lot of ignorance and very little faith in the candidate running at the head of the Democratic Party.
Obama crushed McCain and Romney, green party be damned. Biden squeaked by Trump on thinner margins than Trump beat Hilary. Nobody cared about Stein in that race.
What changed? Why are Democrats so terrified of the green party all of a sudden?
Because Biden just squeaked by Trump. Leading to 50%-ish of the US population and 80%-ish of Republican voters believing that the last election got stolen. Also leading to a lot of election officials in key states being replaced by fair election denying nutjobs.
Haven't you been paying attention in the past few years?
I'm not even in the US and I'm already exhausted with the BS that's upcoming, if there's no landslide victory for any of the candidates.
Be aware that any third party vote will be a vote for trump. If that's what you truly want, I fear for your sanity.
Btw, it's not true that nobody cared about Stein in the previous election. Back then they too said "a vote for Stein is a vote for trump". You may not have heard it personally, but that message was out there. And it's still true today!
I'm voting Jill. All your liberal gaslighting just hardens my resolve. I don't care how many convoluted explanations you come up with to say I'm voting for Trump. My ballot never said Trump and never will.
No one is insisting anyone is entitled to anyone’s vote. We are however insisting that you try and understand how voting statistics and simple grade-school math works.
Everyone else has this figured out already? Why are we so close to an election and you still don’t? Do you seriously think that you have some big hidden secret figured out? You know better than the overwhelming majority of an entire country?
Every generation does this shit. You think you know how it works. You don’t.