Can confirm, I am said butterfly expert.
64 0 ReplyProve it, tell us some cool butterfly facts!
31 0 ReplyUh...butterflies get their essential nutrients by drinking from mud puddles?
45 0 ReplyContrary to their name, they are not, in fact, not made of butter.
26 0 Reply
That butterfly expert? Albert Einstein.
10 0 Reply
So, was he already married or was she not his type? I know cases where this strategy actually worked and resulted in a happy marriage.
58 0 ReplyIn my superimposed reality, OP's name is Mariposa, the Web comic is named Nectar, and butterfly guy said he was fluttered not flattered
72 0 Reply
OP: *posts about wanting to marry a stranger on twitter*
OP: *finds and follows said stranger on twitter*
Stranger: *reads through his new follower’s twitter timeline, responds to marriage comments *
36 0 ReplyHmm. You can see menderash’s comics. Def a little different.
6 0 Reply