It's crazy that we know all the carbon in coal and and oil and ect comes from a period of history where there was more carbon in earths cycles, and it's widely believed to be a period of time where the whole earth had a tropical environment.
And everyone was just like "Putting this all back in the atmosphere is probably fine."
I did, and this bitch (who's in a position of power over me) took my joking remark as an opportunity to say climate change is a hoax. He lives in Florida.
Even better, start reminding people that Liberalism (and Capitalism by extension) will cause the working class to starve and things will only get worse until all workers rise up
When the permafrost in the Arctic melts, it will release hundreds of billions of tons of CO2, mercury, and methane that probably kill everything in the ocean.
I feel like someone had to have known; so many future dystopia fiction that somehow managed to work in how bad the ocean smells when the protagonist is on a beach.