Liberals are clearly the lesser evil, but sadly both get into bed with lobbyists and capitalists that created the housing and food shortage in the first place. Liberals just want slightly less evil capitalism while conservatives want aggressively more evil capitalism.
Maybe they'd give them a tax break after they filled out a dozen forms proving need.
Libs hate universal programs and they hate direct aid. Hence why instead of free healthcare, we got obamacare. Instead of cash to help new parents buy the things they need, Kamala is promoting a tax break. Instead of free college, we got complicated loan forgiveness schemes that seem entirely random if it applies to you and how much.
You seem to think change happens in a vacuum and that at no stage has anyone attempted to stand in front of the things that have helped millions.
On one hand you have the Right who wish harm on an honestly cartoonish scale. Like, it's difficult to fathom just how much suffering they want to cause others without somehow doing mental gymnastics to wrap your mind around it. They are the cartoon evil villains at the top, while towards the bottom are amongst the poorest, least educated, and angriest people. The vast majority of whom have been living under Republican leadership for generations.
On the other you have a flawed group composed of many different groups whose opinions largely intersect, though often with key differences. Some of them wish harm on others, that is inevitable, though by magnitudes less than the Right. Many of them just want life to be better, and the rest want life to be better for all, including those on the Right. The States traditionally under the Left's leadership have higher quality of life in every measurable aspect, and greater access to institutions who can help them.
You talk about the smaller steps the Left takes while completely ignoring the small steps the Right has taken leading up to this. A gradual decline decades in the making. We CAN fix it, and we could use the help of those who want to be heard. All we ask is to help us win this election and then be the voices that help push that positive change after the election.
This isn’t surprising at all, if you look at their rhetoric.
They need the world to self-destruct so Jesus will come back and give them their paradise. Nearly all Christian sects are doomsday cults, because Jesus was an apocalyptic preacher.
Nuclear war? Good, that brings Jesus back. Climate apocalypse? Awesome, because Jesus will come back, as prophesied. Israel implodes? Best case scenario, because this is exactly how Jesus comes back.
They want all of us to burn for the sake of their doomsday fantasies.
I saw an interesting video a few days ago that touched on this. It proposes that most liberals think of problems and how to solve them. Teenage pregnancy is up? How do we increase sex education and access to contraception?
Where most conservatives think of problems and how to punish the people that cause them. Mostly stemming from the idea that living a just and moral life - like they do - means you won't have those problems, so it's your own fault if you do. Teenage pregnancy is up? Quit being a slut and instead raise this baby that was a result of your own slutty behavior.
I've been looking at things through this lense the past few days and see this way of thinking popping up over and over again.
As a former conservative, the "fuck them they deserve it" attitude is very accurate. Sometimes they shun each other over that stuff too. Other times they compartmentalize. Depends on how much they like that person.
Catholics and Jews predominantly support Democrats. Idk if I'd describe Southern Baptists and Mormons as "more religious" than Unitarians or Muslims or Wiccans. That seems to suggest religious liberals are... What? Just phoning it in because they're not reactionary in their beliefs?
You lost me with the 2nd paragraph. There is no world in which I would vote for 99% Hitler. Any system that only gives you a choice between 90% Hitler and 100% Hitler shouldn't exist. At that point my vote would be to burn it down and create something better.
Good luck with the revolution! You're going to need it because a good chunk of the population will be voting for 100% Hitler. And I know most liberals are not interested in joining the cause.
*offer only applies to first generation home buyers who have paid rent on time for 3 years and started a small business in a disadvantaged community that employs more than 2 people but less than 7 and is paying at least $50,000 in taxes in their first year, if your social security is divisible by 6 or 7, but not 3 or 5.
Reality is black and white to them. Zero nuance whatsoever. Same goes for the people on here who bitch about Dems and Gaza but never acknowledge how much worse the GOP are on that topic. The Dems could bend over backward and push their whole agenda and they'd still find something to bitch about.
I cite academic sources all the time. This post is a joke, satirizing the dem's love of means-testing by combining the requirements from 3 proposals Kamala has made. I can show you the proposals I'm mocking if you want.
I'd love to see it happen but I don't think it will until the Republicans are no longer able to waste everyone's time flinging their own shit and screaming. Once the republican party is rendered irrelevant and the democratic party can actually fracture into proper left and right wing parties (without causing severe social problems) im hopeful we'll see a great deal more progress.
You make it sound like Israel goes: "We will bomb the Palestinians, but ONLY if Democrats PUSH this button! Do it Joseph Biden and Nancy Pelosi!" and they trip over each other to push that button.
No. That is republicans you are thinking of. They enjoy the bloodlust and the prophecy and of coming of the end of days! They want to LUBRICATE that shit! For the last hundred years we've been in the very last days, according to them, the antichrist peeking from just around the corner, any moment now...
Didn't dems do obamacare and insulin caps? They're the ones expanding welfare and pushing for anything remotely good in the last idk forever. What do you mean by this?
can we figure out a way to silence the both-sides'rs and the butwhataboutpalestines? i don't care how it gets done. just make it so that no one has to see their bullshit any more.
Both sides are exactly the same! And by "both sides", drag means Democrats and Marxist-Leninists. Democrats give money to Israel even though their voters don't want them to. Marxist-Leninists abstain and let trump bomb Palestinians even though they claim to be allies of Palestine. Both claim to be good, but do bad things.