Props to this person for never washing their mouth off their friend's blood. I'm sure they had the chance to do it, but chose to walk all over the hospital with their mouth covered in blood so that the nurse could see it, otherwise the joke wouldn't have landed.
I mean, obviously this is the internet and nothing is real, but it's not impossible that they still had some blood on them in the frenzy to get to the hospital.
I don't know how hospitals work in the US (assuming that OP is a US citizen, because that's what we do on the internet), but where I come from, determining the cause of an injury is very important to decide on an effective treatment. Bites in particular are very nasty and can lead to a lot of scary complications (including human bites!).
There's no way in hell the nurse just said "yeah ok got it fam" and went along with her day like it wasn't important.
And maybe I'm too jaded, but I read "we also got engaged" and my mind automatically added "and everyone clapped" at the end of the sentence lol
Also, d4 is the damage of a dagger, which is a weapon made specifically to kill people and has a ~25% chance of killing a commoner (who typically has 4 hp) in one hit with just the rolled damage.
NPCs and monsters automatically die at zero HP in DmD 5th and the editions prior that I was the DM for. There was a reminder that the DM could choose to let them go under, but the default was death on zero for non-player characters and monsters.
Just imagine tracking death saving throws for every NPC and weak monsters....
Half of them are discussing the game mechanics and damage of the bite.
The other half are sharing the feelings of affection that apparently came from being bitten.
I actually did bite my dm with explicit consent. because I was trying to argue that a ranger/barbarian's bite would be d6+Strength Modifier. and not d4+Strength Modifier. and he was like lmao human bites aren't even that strong. and I said bet. and he said well bite me then as strong as an 18 attack roll would be (the prison guard had 14AC btw) and we had to stop the game because he had to go get stitches.
also he didn't wanna say he let himself get bit to win an argument that he lost so badly he's in the emergency room, so he was like "a rat did it" and the nurse turns her head 12 degrees to the left and sees my bloody mouth. and goes "yeah okay that happens"
and we did get the barbarian bite attack to be d6+Strength Modifier. I'm also now engaged to this guy and this campaign I get to be the dm!
Absolute rollercoaster, but congrats on the engagement - Paper