Look at some of the rules they've tried to pass. Checking on high school students' mensuration, checking on people who leave the state for abortions, trating miscarriages as murder.
It's the ultimate example of the dog catching the car. People took the right to choose for granted and the conservatives used is solely as a campaign tool to raise money. Now that that people have woken the fuck up they're realizing how harmful abortion bans are to a women's health and how demeaning it is to say that women can't make their own decisions when it comes to their own body. The Dobbs decision have put Republicans in an impossible position and are almost certainly going to cost them elections statewide and federally for the foreseeable future.
And it is no doubt a facetious argument, they don't actually believe that they just say it but what they mean is they want us for only them to have that control
Makes you wonder if the corporate elite class uses this issue (and other) just as a tool for control. Easy divide and move a population back and forth on hot push button topic. Meanwhile the top 1 percent.. investment bank continue to hoard all wealth as we see it stripped away by inflation.
I will vote for a glib, anti union, pro corporate generic candidate because he / she “strongly” supports (or not) abortion.
Yes this is a cynical take and the abortion issue is important … just cannot shake the issue is in a continual cycle to keep people divided, distracted as they get poorer and work harder.
Abortion rights do great on ballot measures, but not as well in general elections.
Yeah, most people support abortion rights, but those who oppose them are the most powerful single-issue voting block in the country.
Pro-choice people rarely base 100% of their vote on abortion. A pro-choicer who holds conservative beliefs on other issues generally votes Republican, but will vote in favor of abortion rights on a ballot measure.
Pro-lifers are different. They sincerely believe that abortion is mass murder of children, and that all other political issues combined don't matter in comparison. A pro-lifer who holds liberal views on every other issue generally votes Republican.
And yet they are inconsistent on companies that pollute air food and water. Somehow when corporations do it knowingly for the profit motive it's God's will despite causing miscarriages and birth defects en masse.
It's not that all of them support these companies. It's that they literally believe children are being murdered and that until they can permanently put a stop to the legal murder of children, no other political issues matter AT ALL. They're the single-issue voting group that is really, truly single-issue, and they're massive.
If Biden were anti-abortion due to his Catholicism while Trump was pro-choice, how many pro-choice Democrats would have voted for Trump? Almost none.
Meanwhile, millions of pro-lifer Republicans would have voted for Biden.
Democrats are never going to kill the golden goose. The Roe leak alone made them $80,000,000 in contributions. Being anti-choice accomplishes the same objective for Republicans: lots and lots of money, money that candidates can legally pay themselves by making loans to their campaigns at 20% interest.
So, so many voters in absolute denial here. We could have real change if the 49% that votes Democrat voted Green instead. The Greens would actually try to get you legal abortion at the federal level, too.
I'm thinking the good if this keeps up is the Republicans will lose a lot of seats. Of course the bad is Dems will be in charge. So it balances out to being lit.