Vote Yes! on Measure 118 to get yearly rebates of $1,600 for yourself and every Oregonian, kids included. A four person household will get over $6,400 every year. Paid for by making giant corporations pay their fair share.
I posted about this 3 months ago and it was $750--glad to see the measure is going for it. The $1,600 is per person, not household. Minors count.
So wayyyyyyyyy back in the day, there was this thing called "Renter Refund". Anyone who rented filed how much they paid in rent and got a portion kicked back by the state. I qualified for the very last year of it.
In this case, I can't tell what the $1,600 is for. Existing? So it's a Robin Hood bill? Rob from the rich and give to everyone else? It's sure to be popular, but I don't see how it's sustainable.