Can somebody recommend miniature laptop for typing?
Hello Im looking for small laptop for typing in low to mid range price. Do you have any recommendations?
mnt pocket reform is here for reference what I want. Thank you
For typing, you need something of reasonable size, keyboard is not one of the things you can shrink indefinitely and retain some comfort level at the same time.
I recommend Thinkpad X, it is quite small, and there is big second hand market, so it can be bought quite cheap, for like ~150-200 usd.
I paid 285$ a few months ago for a refurbished HP from New Egg. It's perfect for shoving in a bag and for writing. The charge lasts something like 4 hours if I sit there with it open. It'll last 2-3 days on my desk when I open it occasionally. I have it set to go to sleep after 15 minutes.
I used to own an Acer Alpha Switch. I was legitimately sad when the screen cracked. The battery had started to go bad and turn into a pillow. I broke the screen when I was in the process of trying to put it back together. Acer has some newer models I was looking at which were more in the 450$ price range at the time. I ended up going with HP instead because of the price and because I've never had any beef with their products with the exception of their printers.