Wanted a place to dump this. I stopped playing in February when they prevented playing on Linux via Wine. Tried logging in now that Sober exists (sometime in August), and was met with this.
My account and username is 11 years old. I’ve spent money on premium currency and items. Hasn’t ever been a problem. I tried to appeal…
I was not given any notice about it. I checked, and there was not an email sent when my account was actioned. No warnings, not a thing.
I tried to explain this in a reply, but they shut it down, saying there would be no further communication on this issue, since it was more than 30 days old.
Yeah… the way they treat developers and monetization is super scummy. Not to mention their lack of action towards child safety concerns. There’s definitely better ways to spend my time.
Oh… I’ve never once considered that. But that’d make sense as to why it only recently picked it up— historically, the profanity filters were super easily bypassed. Maybe they tightened them up!
In your honor I'll use the term Smoochy Pit to refer to something lewd. At least then at least you'll have your very own term named after you! Any suggestions on what it should mean?
I was not given any notice about it. I checked, and there was not an email sent when my account was actioned. No warnings, not a thing.
I would try to find a phone number and call them. Often, it heavily depends on the person you just randomly get assigned to. Some are humane and try to help one if they're not treated fairly.
Also even with a note, expecting you to do that within one month is just ridiculous.
As others have said, take them to court.