Fake, but even if it was true, the problem would have probably been the age change and not the gender change. Teenage relationships and adult relationships have different rules…
Yeah, I have to assume 18 year old women are on average way, way, way poorer than 40 year old men. That’s true regardless of the gender, 40 tends to be a pretty high spot in personal capital.
It depends entirely on the maturity of the parties involved, it's not really an "older/younger" thing.
But generally, the less mature you are, the more a relationship is selfish, i.e. you want to be in a relationship for your personal advantage, i.e. "i get sex when I have a girlfriend". The more mature you get, the more relationships go into the direction of "I want to make the other person happy". You still get your sex or whatever other advantage of course, but it's much more fulfilling if you can actually give the other person what they need, and temporarily losing your personal benefit of the relationship doesn't cause immediate breakups.
AmITheAsshole is 99% rage bait and fan fiction. "Am I the Asshole for letting my wife only sleep with 8 different guys, while cucking myself and paying everything for her? I'm totally unsure if I'm, in this Ludacris Situation in which I'm clearly being abused, being unreasonable.... PLS BE NICE, GIVE ME ATTENTION! PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Yes, he'd be an asshole for giving her them as a birthday present, regardless of the fact that he got her other presents as well. Just ask her if she wants them after he gets his new ones.
It may or may not be. I can't speak to that post, but I've seen others pull the same bit with other posts (wait a week or two and repost with a gender swap, then point to the radical difference in response) and usually the gender swapped version gets deleted and the poster banned when it comes out.
Wasn't there some trend of people wanting to make self-driving cars take into account ethics in their decision making in emergencies, by having some website where people could pretty much solve trolley problems, with just a conductor in the trolley to also take into account some years ago? I'm imagining them scraping that subbredit for answers to questions like "AITA for having run over 2 orphan children in order to save 6 old ladies?"
Lmao I've actually done just that before, swapping the genders of a previous post, and people do say the complete opposite even though it's the same situations.
The text is probably made up, but people have done such swap posts several times before and got similarly opposite results. Usually the posts get removed from the sub when someone eventually notices the deception, but you can still read them if you have a link. It's a very toxic sub.
I do think the age changes it. If it's an 18 year old guy asking about his girlfriend, I also would be like, "hey, that may be a bit much. Old ones are fine." cause they're young. The expectations are lower. If it's an adult woman asking this for her husband, I would say to not give it on their birthday. "Hey, here's my old pair. Happy birthday" may be a bit flippant, but saying, "Hey, I got a new pair, want my old one?" doesn't seem like a bad deal.
Also, we didn't see the post. Maybe the other gifts were also bad. Not saying that AITA isn't a dumpster fire. But he changed the factors and didn't give us all the information.
Edit: I just saw the post. He bought her airpods a few years ago and, with how he's talking, it sounds like he got his around the same time. His wife's are glitching and just generally failing, but his used ones are fine. He says she takes care of them as with the rest of her things. He has the option to get free, new pair. Yeah, that is kind of dickish. "Here's my old headphones that could very well be on their way out as well and have been worn for x years. Please enjoy while I get my brand new set that I've openly told you I don't need. Happy birthday."
If this wasn't her birthday, fine. But on the day? That kind of fucked imo
Wtf why would anyone (I know, I know, fake story, but hear me out) gift their USED in-ear headphones. I wouldn't touch that thing with a ten-foot pole, regardless if it was "cleaned".
An incidental exchange of earwax with your (romantic/sexual/life) partner is --- how do I put this? --- not particularly noteworthy for a lot of folks...
Thought this would be a joke about how the titles of AITA posts that sound innocent are typically the ones where OP is the asshole. Like "Can I give someone my old headphones?" Yes, obviously. "Wrapped as a gift," um, that feels a little insensitive. Probably just give them unwrapped and don't say it's part of the gift.
Yeah, people act like a site with half a billion users somehow is only representative of a very niche population contained within reddit. I also love the "well I saw x posted here yesterday and people loved it! Here it is today, and people hate it! reddit can't make up its mind!", as if reddit is a monolith, they took the hive-mind shit-talk literally. Then that same person will complain when that reddit is a hive mind...
My guy, this is just how people are. You are in a place where the group is large enough that you, in the population statistics sense, are getting a snapshot of humanity.