Heatmap of compound curse words used online. (sourced from reddit: 2006-2020)
Heatmap of compound curse words used online. (sourced from reddit: 2006-2020)

We need some appreciation for wanksucker.
Also, fuckfuck.
28 0 ReplyWankstick is more popular whatever that means
2 0 Reply
New favorite words unlocked! "cock goblin"certainly has a certain je ne sais quoi
27 0 ReplyI'm a big fan of buttboy, personally.
9 0 ReplyWankclown here for me
8 0 ReplyButt Boy, squire to Ass Lord
5 0 Reply
Gimme a cock and I'm goblin
6 0 ReplyI like Douche Canoe, sadly unrepresented here.
5 0 ReplyDoesn't Michael Bolton call the efficiency guys "cock goblins" in Office Space?
1 0 Replyi don't think that one would generally be derisive
1 0 Reply
I'm a bit concerned about shitshit being so popular, despite never hearing it. Am I out of touch, or are the children wrong?
13 0 ReplyAs an out of touch person, I have a possible explanation for this: have you ever said "shit" repeatedly as something goes wrong? I imagine some people would write a story where that happens and write it as "shitshitshit" and not "shit shit shit". But outside of that situation I have never seen or heard "shitshit".
23 0 Reply
What about twatwaffle, that one is funny af
13 0 ReplyDirt-wit, Trump-nozzle, and Wank-clown are clearly underutilized profanities.
13 0 ReplyWhere are all the dip-goblin users?
6 0 Reply
The clear ones are where the fun is at in 2024.
You dirt-hat libgoblin!12 0 Replythis is a fantastic map for making new non-swears. see y'all later dipgoblins
12 0 ReplyTotal dumbnozzle move.
6 0 Reply
Some of the near zero but not zero combinations don't make a lot of sense to not just be zero.
Like dumbbag, scumhat, dipclown... I don't know about you, but those ones colored as "thousands of uses" doesn't seem right to me. Unless it was open so far as to search for those words used back to back and not specifically attached in any way as implied.
But yeah, there are so many combinations that seem way too far into the orange to make sense to me. I'm curious to see the actual numbers the graph was built with.
11 0 ReplyThe internet is vast and if this is to be believed, sourced over more than a decade. Not that unbelievable, imho.
6 0 ReplyAnd yet Wank Clown is almos 0 ? Sounds too good to not be used ! Fucking WankClown !
4 0 Replyyou just have terrible taste, dipclown
4 0 ReplyI'm definitely gonna write some of these down and try to work them in. But some of them have earned their 0 uses so far.
3 0 Reply
I'm so happy that Trump is considered an insult.
10 0 ReplyThe goblin column is surprisingly sparse.
9 0 Replyyall a buncha dumbgoblins
8 0 ReplyI'm so tempted to make an insult generator based off of this
8 0 ReplyCan you make an API to randomize it for my email sign off for work? Getting real tired of lying that I have any regards, or that they are kind.
4 0 Reply...In short, that meeting could have been this email, and this email could have been an IM.
Cruel disregards <CumClowns>,
2 0 Reply
Insultdle, like wordle but is generated insults
4 0 Reply
German: Hold my beer you Backpfeifengesicht.
8 0 ReplyI think i'm gona start using 'scum goblin'.
8 0 ReplySeems like the kind of chart a real wankgoblin would put together
5 0 Reply
Even though it’s the most appallingly milquetoast swear ever, the lack of “cockwomble” invalidates this chart.
7 0 Replypoopgoblin when?
6 0 ReplyWankclown brings to my mind an image of Pennywise on meth
5 0 ReplyCan we work on making "wank sucker" more popular? It's got a nice ring to it.
5 0 ReplyDamn libnozzles over on r*ddit!
5 0 ReplyMissing knife on the columns distorted the graph. Poopknife would be on the top with it.
3 0 ReplyI'm just a teenage
dirt 🟥
3 0 Reply